And not only them. Statistics say that the number of organizations who use video interviews to recruit employees has reached 63%, which saves both time and costs that come with traditional face-to-face meetings.
‘The interesting thing about online interviews is, this has become somewhat of a trend not only for those who recruit people globally, but even those who recruit people located in the same city! It is simply cheaper and much more flexible than traditional interviews’’ – explains Bethany Grease, an HR manager at Rushmyessay UK.
Benefits of Video Interviews
Knowing how popular video interviews has become with employers on a worldwide level, you must learn to become more comfortable with the idea of talking to a recruiter via video. This is a cost-effective way for the organizations to meet good candidates, but also a much more flexible opportunity for you to get job opportunities. Just imagine – you can talk to an employer from the commodity of your own home, instead of travelling to their office for a face-to-face meeting.
In today’s highly competitive job market, chances are you will have to do a dozen interviews before you get the job you want. If all employers are willing to do video interviewing, you get more time to find the job you seek, and not run around town to get to different locations.
It is even more beneficial for those who want to work in a different city or a country. Video interviews open more opportunities for employment, and cut down on travelling costs.
A Guide to Help You Get Comfortable with Video Interviews
Very few people feel completely comfortable with video interviews. In a couple of years or perhaps decades, millennial job seekers will use this option as the preferred method for meeting the recruiters, but until then, this group are the only ones who feel free to use Skype and social media for almost everything.
If you feel like you are not equipped to handle a video interview, or are too attached to the traditional interview methods, this guide will help you kill your webcam phobia and learn to communicate online.
1. Check the Tech
Checking the tech only takes minutes of your time and can save you from many uncomfortable situations and problems with connectivity. Make sure to set up your technology before the start of the interview:
- Turn on the computer a couple of minutes beforehand
- Check the audio recorder and the webcam
- Familiarize yourself with the microphone and the webcam and see how they work
- Set your camera at eye-level
- Make sure your internet connection is good
- Check the battery and plug in the charger
- Have all the documents and notes you think you may need close to hand
2. Find a Place where You Won’t Be Disturbed
Have you seen that funny video of the BBC professor whose interview was gatecrashed by his children? This video quickly went viral, and served as a great lesson of how important this step is in prepping for an online interview.
Make sure you won’t be disturbed and find a spot where you can speak clearly to the recruiter. If you have to do the interview at home and other people are there, lock the room and warn others that they should not disturb you for the next half an hour or so.
3. Get Rid of Distractions
Make sure to turn off all the things that may interrupt you or the recruiter – your phone, the notifications and applications on your computer, the TV, etc. Such distractions will give the impression that you are not taking the interview seriously.
4. Prep the Surrounding
People will see your surrounding on video, so make sure everything looks perfect. The room you are in should look visually attractive, so remove everything that can pose as a distraction or looks bad to the eye.
So, no laundry on your floor or a pet scratching his ears behind you! Make sure the set for your interview is perfect, and everything in the background is accounted for.
5. Dress to Impress
Going pantsless is tempting, but it is definitely not a good idea! Yes, you are not interviewing in person, but your appearance should be complete and professional. Even if you think only your top will be seen, there are many embarrassing situations you may find yourself into just because you were too lazy to dress up.
Choose your clothes as if this were an interview in person. Avoid busy prints because they can be distracting in video interviews, and choose appropriate clothing only. Make sure you look neat – shave if you are a man, or put on some make up if you are a girl.
Basically, this part is the same as for face-to-face interviews. All you have to do is make sure you dress to impress from top to bottom!
6. Check the Lighting
Lighting is very important in video interviews. Setting the camera in the right position and the microphone close to you is not going to work unless you make sure the lighting illuminates your face properly.
Put some light behind the computer to make sure there are no shadows and the recruiter can see you clearly. Recruiters need to be able to hear and see you to notice your body language and listen to what you have to say without any technical difficulties.
Note that the lighting can make the face shiny on the screen, so practice the camera and lighting set-up before the actual interview begins.
It only takes a little bit of technology knowledge and some surrounding touch-ups to prep for a successful video interview. Of course, you should be qualified for the job and prepared to answer the questions, but seeing that you are not visiting an already prepped office in the company, this is the part you have to take care by yourself.