Shan Saba, a director at Brightwork said: “This is a substantial commitment for us, given the number of victims of human trafficking who are rescued in Scotland each year, but as a company we are committed to this cause.
“We stand by these victims, people brought to Scotland under false pretences then worked to exhaustion in abject conditions. We will offer them employment and a future.”
In 2016 there were 150 potential victims of human trafficking identified in Scotland alone. Of those, Migrant Help supported 129 potential victims, and 23 dependents, making the charity one of the largest supporters of victims of modern slavery in Scotland.
Jitka Minxova, Communications Manager at Migrant Help, said: “Any way of us helping our clients into employment is wonderful. Employment is hugely important for their recovery, and sense of self-worth for being able to provide for their families. We are very pleased to be operating in partnership with Brightwork.”
Migrant Help provides support to victims of human trafficking after rescue; helping them to access counselling services, guiding them through normalising their immigration status, accessing much-needed health care and providing asylum services.
This is the third partnership Brightwork has established to battle modern slavery: its first was with Stronger Together, a multi-stakeholder initiative aimed at rooting out slavery practices in the food supply chain, and its second was with the Bridges Programme, a Glasgow-based charity with 15 years of experience helping migrants find work in Glasgow.
If you suspect that someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, there is information and contact numbers on the Migrant Help website.