- Job opportunities treble for Recycling Workers as Britons become more eco-conscious
- Demand also rises for Environmental Scientists, Environmental Technicians and Wind Turbine Technicians
- But is the sun setting on solar? Solar Technician job opportunities slump by 79%
Britain’s green drive has led to a surge in demand for Recycling Workers, according to data from the world’s largest jobsite, Indeed.
The figures, released to coincide with this Sunday’s Earth Day (22nd April), suggest a combination of green policies and Britons’ increasing eco-consciousness have fuelled a 180.5% increase in demand for Recycling Workers in just three years.
Other green jobs to have grown rapidly include Senior Environmental Scientists (up 156.6%), Environmental Technicians (up 69.3%) and Wind Turbine Technicians (up 50%).
However at the other end of the scale, the sun is no longer shining on solar specialists. Employer demand for Solar Installers dropped by 79% over the same period. Such an abrupt fall may stem from the abolition of government grants available to large-scale solar power generators and the paring back of subsidies offered to homeowners who install solar panels.
Among the other jobs to have seen declines in job postings since 2014 are Energy Engineers (down 52.4%), Environmental Engineers (down 43.2%) and Water Treatment Specialists (down 15%).
Bill Richards, UK Managing Director, Indeed, comments: “Earth Day is a chance for humanity to reflect on its relationship with the environment; but it’s striking how much impact the environment now has on the jobs market too.
“Greater awareness of the environment isn’t just shaping public policy, it’s also influencing corporate behaviour and creating thousands of green jobs.
“Recycling has become part of everyone’s daily life, delivering a boom for the waste management industry and nearly trebling the number of Recycling Worker vacancies.
“However the sharp fall in the number of Solar Installer jobs suggests the green jobs market is being driven not solely by the private sector, and that the government appears to remain a key driving force.”