“Ensuring that data is protected in the way required by these new rules is critical for all parties concerned”, said John Randall, engagement director at Standards in Recruitment (SiR) “and is likely to be of interest for HR and hiring organisations using supply and introduction agencies as well as being relevant to candidates looking to use compliant recruitment businesses”.
SiR accreditation requires adherence to data protection rules and validates GDPR compliance, amongst other areas relevant to recruitment. “This is unique”, says Randall. “Our legal and onsite audit not only looks at documents such as a privacy statement used by a business, but also comprehensively checks that what is claimed by the business is also being carried out in practice, and that suitably protective technological measures are in place. I do not believe that any other accreditation can provide this level of assurance for hirers and candidates, and SiR certification again distinguishes accredited businesses from others. GDPR compliance is a key part of recruitment governance.”
SiR was launched in 2015 and is the UK’s only independent accreditation for recruitment businesses. It operates to standards set by hirers and agency stakeholders.
For further information about Standards in Recruitment please contact John Randall, engagement director at: Tel: 0845 450 4415