Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Sir David Metcalf, director of Labour Market Enforcement to speak at ARC’s network meeting on 9th May 2018

The Association of Recruitment Consultancies (ARC) is pleased to announce that Sir David Metcalf, director of Labour Market Enforcement (LME) will be the keynote speaker at its network meeting, on 9th May between 15.00 and 17.30 at the CBI headquarters in London.

Commenting on the announcement, John Randall, ARC’s Communications and Engagement Manager said, “As the role of LME director is to bring better focus and co-ordination to the enforcement of labour market legislation, this is a must attend event for recruiters.”

The LME director has overarching responsibility for setting the strategic direction of the three labour market enforcement bodies – HMRC National Minimum Wage/National Living Wage, Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority and the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate.

Randall continues “To tie in with theme of labour enforcement, there will be a presentation on complying with ID checks and how recruitment businesses can use electronic scanning to protect their business from illegal applicants, by Gavin Burton, Strategic Development Director at TrustID.”

“In addition, there will be a discussion on the government’s four ongoing consultations in response to the Matthew Taylor report. These cover – employment status, increasing transparency in the UK labour market, enforcement of employment rights and agency workers recommendations.”

Randall concludes, “We have a comprehensive programme of presentations and discussions and anticipate a high demand from recruiters wishing to attend, so I would advise early booking, to avoid disappointment.”

The cost to attend is £30+VAT for non-members and free for ARC members. However, pre-registration is essential as places are limited. To book, please call us on 01273 777 997. More details can be found at