Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec
  • 18 Oct 2024
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Flexible working is a priority for half of working Brits when looking for a new job

Flexible working is a priority for half of working Brits when looking for a new job

A recent study1 commissioned by E.ON as part of National Work Life Week2 has revealed that more than three quarters (76%) of working people believe that flexible working helps or would help their overall wellbeing and two-thirds (66%) feel they have a strong work life balance.

  • Over half (52%) of Brits say they would only consider working for a company that offered flexible working as standard, according to new research
  • More than three quarters (76%) of Brits believe that flexible working helps or would help their overall wellbeing
  • Two-thirds (66%) of people feel they have a strong work life balance, with a quarter (25%) saying they don’t

A recent study1 commissioned by E.ON as part of National Work Life Week2 has revealed that more than three quarters (76%) of working people believe that flexible working helps or would help their overall wellbeing and two-thirds (66%) feel they have a strong work life balance.

However, the research highlights that while many people across the UK are reaping the benefits of flexible working, more needs to be done. A quarter (25%) of people surveyed say they don’t have a strong work life balance and 23% of Brits don’t even feel confident speaking to their employer about flexible working.

With over half (52%) stating they would only consider working for a company that offered flexible working as standard from day one, E.ON is committed to setting the standards for others to follow and driving positive change across society.

E.ON is proud of its commitment to flexible working, with over 50% of its colleagues having an informal flexible working pattern in place3, such as flexible start times and compressed hours, and 87% of E.ON colleagues happy with their flexible ways of working4.

Sarah Farmer, Director of Organisational Development & Engagement at E.ON UK, said: “While it’s great to see the majority of people across the UK have access to the level of flexibility needed to provide them with a good work life balance, it’s worrying to see a quarter of people not currently achieving this.

“At E.ON, we wholeheartedly embrace flexible working and flexible working isn’t just reserved for parents or carers, but is open as an option to everyone from day one of joining us. As executive sponsor of our Working Families Network and someone who works flexibly myself, I am very much an advocate of the benefits flexible working brings to both colleagues and the business. I firmly believe that flexible working empowers our people to be at their best.”

Jane van Zyl, CEO at Working Families, said: “This research from E.ON highlights a growing expectation from employees across the UK. Flexible working is no longer a perk, it’s a necessity. More than half of working people now consider it a requirement when choosing a new employer. Flexibility not only improves wellbeing, but also enables people to manage their work and home responsibilities more effectively. Yet, with a quarter of people feeling they’re still unable to achieve this balance, and many not feeling confident to even request flexibility, there’s clearly more work to be done.

“It’s encouraging to see employers like E.ON leading by example and setting the standard with their commitment to flexible working. We need more businesses to follow suit and offer genuine flexibility that empowers people to thrive both professionally and personally.”

E.ON introduced flexible working principles in 2022 to give colleagues more choice and autonomy and help balance the demands many face when juggling family and caring commitments, disability or long term health conditions, study, and daily life responsibilities.

At E.ON, flexible working starts right from applying for a role. All roles are advertised as flexible, and everyone can request flexible working from their first day too. E.ON’s flexible working principles also extend to hybrid working as part of its enduring commitment to flexibility.

E.ON also offers colleagues equal parent leave, regardless of gender and biological relationship to the child, providing all parents the opportunity to spend time with and support their new and growing families. This is in addition to other family friendly benefits including carers’ passports and paid leave for fertility, neonatal care and pregnancy loss for both partners.

E.ON has been named in the Inclusive Top 50 UK Employers for seven years in a row, improving year-in year and is currently ranked number eight in the list and recent winners of Best Company to work for in the Women in Utilities Awards. E.ON has also been recognised for its flexible working and parenting policies at the Working Dads Employer Awards 2023.

Find out more about E.ON’s commitment to diversity and inclusion at

Research carried out on behalf of E.ON by YouGov in September and October 2024, surveying 1,000 adults aged 18+  in employment and not self-employed.

2 Since 2010, National Work Life Week has been Working Families’ annual campaign to get both employers and employees talking about wellbeing at work and work-life balance.

3 Internal Working Dads survey carried out in May and June 2024.

Internal E.ON survey carried out by OfficeVibe on behalf of E.ON in January to July 2024.