is a feature packed platform, developed closely with the UK recruitment industry to capture all job board needs, large or small.
Just some of the exciting new features include advanced CV database technology, fully enabled e-commerce solution with multiple payment options, marketing management tools, in-depth reporting tools, fully imbedded affiliate systems allowing clients to generate instant new revenue.
Allthetopbananas (ATTB) commercial director Cris Bradshaw said: “All new job boards built by us will be to the standard, as minimum, of Job Flurry. We’ve listened to our customers and worked hard to create an outstanding product. As a result we’re confident Job Flurry will heat up the current market place by delivering an exciting and affordable new breed of job board”.
Originally built and launched in 2015, as a showcase for the web build service offered by ATTB, the new version is backed by huge investment from both research and development. It has also been available on a test site for clients and potential clients to try out for the last three months.
As part of the ATTB offering, clients will also get their very own job board mobile apps on both Apple and Android devices. Fully managed CPC campaign system can also be integrated into the site.
Job Flurry clients will have the option to purchase as a job board on a cost per advert basis or buy on a cost per redirect basis.
Cris added: “We’re really pleased with the finished site, it looks great and has all the very latest features. It shows what we can build for the job board market not only from a design point of view but also how a complete back end system works”.
To find out what ATTB Ltd can do for you please contact: 01733 231075 or visit: