Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec
  • 24 Sep 2024
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Poll highlights limited awareness of Cyber Essentials certification

Poll highlights limited awareness of Cyber Essentials certification

65.8 per cent of respondents unaware of Government-backed cyber security scheme, highlighting need for better promotion

A recent poll conducted by cybersecurity firm OryxAlign, suggests that a significant portion of UK consumers may not be aware of the Government-backed Cyber Essentials certification. The poll, which gathered responses from 111 members of the public, found that 65.8 per cent of respondents were unaware of the Cyber Essentials scheme, with only 20.7 per cent acknowledging that they were familiar with it. The remaining 13.5 per cent were unsure of its existence.

While the sample size is limited, these findings point to a potential gap in awareness of a certification that plays a critical role in protecting businesses from the most common cyber threats, and reassuring consumers that their personal data is safe. Cyber Essentials, backed by the UK Government, offers two levels of certification: Cyber Essentials, which provides a self-assessment option, and Cyber Essentials Plus, which involves hands-on technical verification. Both certifications help organisations defend against cyber attacks that could compromise their operations and reputation.

In recruitment, protecting the personal data of candidates and clients is essential for maintaining trust and compliance with data protection laws. Cyber Essentials certification reassures candidates and hiring companies that their information is safe from cyber threats, enhancing your agency's reputation and providing a competitive edge in the market.

“The findings of this poll, though from a relatively small sample, raise important questions about awareness among consumers of the value of Cyber Essentials certification,” said Graham Smith, Head of Customer Success at OryxAlign. “Cyber Essentials is more than just a compliance requirement, it can play a part in customer acquisition. Businesses that achieve certification are demonstrating to customers that their personal data is in safe hands.”

“We’re calling upon the UK government to do more about promoting awareness of the certification so that consumers can make informed choices about where to share their personal information,” Smith added. An earlier poll from OryxAlign, conducted in October 2023 across 1,411 respondents, indicated that 60.15 per cent of UK citizens are more concerned about their personal data than a year ago.

The Cyber Essentials scheme is managed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the UK’s national technical authority for cyber threats and information assurance. The Cyber Essentials certification has become increasingly important, especially given a 72 per cent rise in data breaches and incidents such as the Crowdstrike outage. It reassures customers that a business is committed to maintaining strong cybersecurity standards.

OryxAlign encourages businesses to take proactive steps to protect their customer data by seeking Cyber Essentials certification and displaying the accreditation clearly on their website and other customer-facing platforms. The company offers comprehensive support to guide organisations through the certification process, ensuring they meet the necessary requirements to safeguard against cyber threats.

For a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve Cyber Essentials certification, visit the OryxAlign website.