Adicio Inc., the leading provider of interactive classified advertising software solutions for media companies, today announced that its client, European publisher Talentum, has re-launched its careers site, This is the first Adicio-powered careers site in Finland. ( is the joint recruiting service for all of Talentum’s Finnish media. Uratie was first launched in 2000 and caters to engineers, graduates and IT professionals with editorial content that focuses on changes in working life, recruitment protocol, personal success stories and book reviews. A printed Uratie supplement is included in the Tekniikka & Talous and Tietoviikko magazines and is incorporated into the Talouselämä magazine.
The main goals for the site’s redesign were to improve search so job seekers can find relevant jobs more easily; improve the site experience for both job seekers and recruiters; enable Talentum’s ability to partner and cross-post with other sites; provide a global account system so members can seamlessly access their careers tools and reporting with a single sign-on; create advertising products and packages geared specifically for the Nordic market; and to leap ahead of their competitors.
Talentum ( was able to achieve these goals by reforming their online recruitment products into a single entity, enabling them to efficiently and effectively service their diverse clientele. With the addition of advanced marketing and recruitment tools and services, the site can target both educated job seekers and HR professionals, and employers across Finland. Talentum’s ultimate goal was to create a robust recruitment site that not only gave job seekers effective job search tools, but also gave employers tools that would help elevate the visibility for their job postings while simplifying the candidate search process. In a single transaction, employers can advertise their positions on while also opting to include their listings on 10 targeted publishing brands of Talentum.
“We wanted to create a site that covered all aspects of recruitment from both a job seeker perspective as well as an HR professional,” said Mr. Janne Muhonen, Director at Talentum. “Adicio was able to help facilitate our objectives and deliver a site that is unparalleled in Finland while keeping our costs low.”
Job seekers on can search custom job categories including Energia (Energy); Johtotehtävät (Managerial Functions); Julkishallinto & järjestöt (Public Administration & Organizations); Lääketiede/farmasia (Medical/Pharmaceutical); Myynti (Sales); Ohjelmointi/ohjelmistot (Programming/Software); Projektin johtotehtävät (Project Management Positions); Suunnittelu (Planning); Tekniikka (Technology); Terveydenhuolto (Health Care); Tietohallinto (Information Management); and much more.
“Talentum was looking for a partner that could supply them with products and services to drive traffic and generate additional online revenue while providing the Finnish market with robust recruitment tools,” said Bridget Scanlan, Director of European Markets at Adicio <> . “By joining Adicio’s large network of market-leading recruitment clients and partners, Talentum now has a platform that can scale as technological advances become available, enabling them to stay ahead of their competitors.”