James Caan, businessman and star of BBC‚s Dragons‚ Den, is launching his business academy along with Managing Director Bev James. The James Caan Entrepreneurs‚ Business Academy, which specialises in entrepreneurialism, launches with a one-day introductory seminar entitled Total Business Mastery‚ on Saturday 20th March 2010 at the Holiday Inn, Kensington Forum.
James Caan is spearheading his exciting new venture for emerging entrepreneurs and existing owners of small to medium sized enterprises, interested in modelling the very best.
The purpose of the academy is to provide knowledge, pass on hard gained experience and practical guidance for entrepreneurs.
James realises that 2010 will be a year of huge volatility, a year that will make or break some small to medium size enterprises (SMEs). You have to have the conviction and belief in what you are doing in order to be successful, and the business acumen to ensure you stay successful, says James Caan.
A recent Dunn and Bradstreet survey discovered that 90% of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise‚s (SME‚s) fail because of the lack of all-round knowledge of the business owner.
The problem with being the boss is you have no-one guiding you, says James. Asking businessman friends‚ seems like defeat and you don‚t want to admit you‚re a novice. But everyone needs a helping hand. You may have heard the phrase Businesses dont fail, people do!
Caan continues: 5% of being an entrepreneur is about the idea and mindset, the rest is about taking action and accountability.
James Caan‚s EBA has been set up to equip business owners and the enlightened entrepreneur with the necessary tools to succeed and be ahead of the competition. The course ensures that entrepreneurs‚ capitalise on all that sweat equity‚ and sunk cost‚ by developing either a plan to increase then sell their business or take their business to a much higher level.
As James Caan says: What entrepreneur or businessman can honestly say they know it all‚?
The James Caan Entrepreneurs‚ Business Academy will allow business owners and entrepreneurs to...
* Connect with James Caan and his millionaire team of entrepreneurs, mentors and business owners.
* Decide what their purpose and vision is for 2010 and for the next 3, 5, 7, 10 years.
* Rediscover their business and passion for it.
* Discover the secrets to maximise revenue, increasing profit and generating more ready cash.
* Come up with the tools to launch another entrepreneurial venture or launch successful add-ons, spin-offs and sidebars that could blossom into major enterprises in their own right.
* Discover how to get more done in less time, by continuous focused action and still have a lot of time for your family, friends and other passions.
* Learn how to innovate and sustain business growth.
* Maximise customer service impact and use it as a form of Œmutual sales activity‚.
* Hire the key staff that will add massive value to a business.
* Manage a team, even if you have no experience of doing so.
At 40, James Caan took a year out to study for the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. So it seems, even the best need extra help sometimes.
The key ingredient in my success is my vision of investing in people, says Caan. I am very proud that I have created several millionaires. In Dragons‚ Den, the lesson I have learnt is that it is not always about an idea. Sometimes just as important is that the person you are backing has got the passion and conviction to execute their business strategy and bring an idea to life.
James Caan‚s EBA mentors will allow entrepreneurs and business owners to capitalise on their knowledge gains and learn from their mistakes so they can avoid them when growing their own business. They will provide business coaching, on-going guidance and mentoring that is way beyond the level of consultancy most business owners have come to expect.
To be successful one must be able to have the IDEA; recognise the right OPPORTUNITY; take appropriate ACTION; ensure FOLLOW THROUGH and drive the project to COMPLETION. If any of these pieces are missing then the picture is not complete and success may always be just out of reach. James Caan‚s mentors help to bring all the pieces together and create the right mindset.
The EBA Total Business Mastery‚ One-Day Launch Seminar is on Saturday 20th March 2010 at The Holiday Inn Kensington Forum. Call 0208 4399 493. www.the-eba.com
If an application is successful, entrepreneurs and business owners can network with other committed, like-minded and aspirational people in a private and supportive environment, guided by James and his team of millionaire mentors.
Every course draws on real-life learnings from my experiences and lessons I learnt along the way,‰ says Caan. „I wish I had had the opportunity to learn from others who had already made the mistakes I was about to make. I have no doubt it would have helped me achieve my success far sooner.