Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

10 Ways to Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly

Maybe you've already done what you can to ensure your home runs green and eco-friendly, from installing solar panels to collecting and using rainwater. But what about your office?

Many of us spend what feels like half our lives at work, which means we're using just the same amount of energy there that we are at home. It's time to upgrade your office to a more eco-friendly mode of operation, and you can start with these ten tips.

1. Get a Portable Power Station

If your business leases a space, it might be hard to convince your landlord to let you install a fleet of solar panels, though it would save them in the long run. What you can far more easily do is get a portable power station. You can move it around to catch sunrays at different hours, store them up, and use the converted energy to power appliances like the coffee maker and the refrigerator.

2. Unplug Unused Appliances

Idle appliances that are still plugged in make up 25% of all energy use, so when you aren't using kitchen or office appliances, make sure they stay unplugged.

3. Go Paperless

Going paperless also helps reduce emissions significantly, as you don't have to use paper, ink, or energy to print pages.

4. Mandate Reusable Cups and Bottles

Reusable water bottles and cups have become so popular, it would be unusual if most people at the office weren't already using them. But you can encourage them by removing all the non-reusable cups from the office.

5. Print Double-Sided

Ink, paper, and the energy it takes to print add up emissions-wise, and you can cut way back on pollution and waste by making sure everyone in the office prints their documents double-sided.

6. Invest in Reusable Utensils

People need to eat during those long shifts. You can't stop everyone from ordering takeout, which uses so much plastic, but you can keep reusable utensils in the kitchen so that everyone can say no to plastic ones.

7. Keep Shades Open to Reduce Heat Use

Even in the summer, the office can get chilly during the morning and the evening. Keep the shades open for as long as the sun is shining, and you can reduce heating costs, referred to as passive heating.

8. Institute Clear Recycling Policies

You can't expect everyone on staff to know how to recycle. So don't judge them if they take the easy route and landfill whatever they use! Print up recycling explainers and hang them over landfill, recycling, and compost bins.

9. Take the Thermostat off Auto

When set on auto, the office thermostat can run all day without anyone noticing. If you don't notice, then you don't need it! Take it off auto and only use heat and AC when needed.

10. Start a Sustainability Team

You can also convene your most pro-sustainability coworkers and employees into a sustainability team. That takes the pressure off you to come up with ideas on how to save money and reduce emissions. Plus, it's a great bonding exercise. 

You Can Go Green

It's not as hard as it looks to make your office more eco-friendly. Start with these ten tips, and you'll be well on your way.