Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

A New Year & New Features from KeyApps Ltd ~ synced with Access Group’s RDB

Happy New Year from KeyApps Ltd

Recruitment App Technology has evolved dramatically since the start of 2017, with 2018 shaping up to be an even more important year for enhanced mobile integration and progression within and throughout the recruitment world.

KeyApps Ltd continues to develop and deploy applications for recruiting businesses and look forward to adding further necessary workforce driven functionality for our clients.

John Edwards, who’s been at the heart of Mobile Technology within recruitment from his days recruiting LTE & WiFi Engineers, through to delivering Recruitment Apps produced and managed by KeyApps Ltd commented; ‘We’ve seen a certain shift in our technology over the past 12 months. As a result of both client and worker demands within the market, the Apps have advanced into more candidate/worker management tools, integrating features specifically engineered for tighter and more relevant engagement with workers.’

The New Directions Education Apps highlight some of the new workforce management functions now available and synced with Access RDB ProNet. Features include but limited to worker review of timesheets and payslips and the real-time sync of KeyApps Ltd’s advanced recruitment messaging technology.

New Directions Technical Guru Mat commented;

‘’New Directions Education is an extremely fast-paced supply agency and key to our operation is giving our candidates the ability to let us know their availability for any day of the week. The app that KeyApps has developed for us enables our candidates to record when they can or can’t work from the calendar section of the app directly into our database and it’s an absolutely vital tool for cutting down the massive administrative overhead involved in knowing who can work. If we could only keep one feature it would be this. Candidates can also book holidays using the calendar which are automatically pulled through to our payroll systems, and can even pull up maps to their places of work with the same feature so it’s a very powerful tool.

The other useful function is the ability to present payslips to our candidates directly from our database.’’