Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

AI Receptionists for GP Clinics - The Future of Appointment Making

GP clinics under the NHS or private are always looking for ways to deal with the never-ending customer phone calls and admin they face from follow ups, referral letters and test results.

One exciting new development is the use of artificial intelligence AI receptionists for GPs. These AI systems can manage phone calls more efficiently than human receptionists, with the ability to reduce waiting times for patients and have quicker turnarounds for medications, testing and referrals.

We speak with In Touch Now, who in a recent blog post, talk about the different investments, funding and practicalities of using this technology for GPs.

1. Handling High Call Volumes

GP clinics receive many calls every day. Patients call to book appointments, ask for medical advice, or follow up on test results. 

Human receptionists can become overwhelmed, especially during busy times. AI receptionists can handle multiple calls at once, ensuring no call goes unanswered. They can quickly sort out the reason for each call and provide appropriate responses or direct the caller to the right department. This reduces wait times for patients and eases the workload on human staff.

2. 24/7 Availability

Human receptionists have working hours and need breaks, but illnesses and emergencies can happen at any time. AI receptionists are available 24/7, ensuring that patients can get the help they need even outside regular clinic hours. 

This constant availability can provide crucial support for patients needing urgent advice or those wanting to schedule appointments after hours. By being always on, AI receptionists help ensure that GP clinics can offer continuous care and support to their patients.

3. Efficient Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling appointments can be a time-consuming task. Human receptionists often have to look through schedules manually, which can lead to mistakes or double bookings. 

AI receptionists for GPs can manage appointment bookings more efficiently. They can instantly check the availability of doctors, suggest the best times for patients, and even send reminders to reduce no-shows. Patients can easily book or reschedule appointments through voice or text, without waiting on hold. This streamlined process saves time for both patients and clinic staff.

4. Personalized Patient Interaction

AI receptionists can use data to provide personalized interactions. By accessing patient records, AI can offer tailored responses based on a patient's medical history. 

For example, if a patient with a chronic condition calls, the AI can recognize this and provide relevant information or reminders about medication. Personalisation makes patients feel valued and understood, enhancing their overall experience with the clinic. AI can also handle routine queries, freeing human staff to focus on more complex or sensitive issues.

In fact, the Investment and Impact Funding (IIF) has allocated £246m to help improve the patient experience in the UK specifically for flu vaccinations, health checks and early cancer diagnosis.

AI receptionists are transforming how GP clinics manage calls, offering numerous benefits. They handle high call volumes efficiently, are available 24/7, streamline appointment scheduling, and provide personalized interactions. By integrating AI receptionists, GP clinics can improve their services, making healthcare more accessible and patient-friendly.