Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Are Cloud-Based LinkedIn Automation Tools Really Safe?

Automation has become a vital and inseparable part of many technologies.

Owing to the benefits provided by automation, people can complete a lot of their personal and professional tasks in an easy and timely manner. A few examples of automation are sending automated replies to emails you receive when you are on vacation or setting the alarm on the coffee maker to enjoy a hot cup of coffee every morning after you wake up.

Social media consumes a significant portion of time in people’s lives these days. While looking at the pictures posted by your close friends on Instagram is a task you must do, sending connection requests on LinkedIn is a task that can be automated.

In other words, many tasks that are carried out on social media platforms can be automated. You don’t have to do the tasks manually. Hence, you can save your time. In this blog post, we will discuss the scope of automation on LinkedIn, a social media site used by professionals. We will also share some information about the widespread belief that cloud-based LinkedIn automation tools are safer compared to browser-based (i.e., chrome extension) automation tools.

How Do Automation Tools Help LinkedIn Users?

The LinkedIn platform offers a vast range of benefits to its users. Professionals can connect with people who belong to the same field. They can stay abreast of the latest developments in various fields. The LinkedIn feed allows users to become aware of the news relevant to them as per their occupation, skills, and interests.

With every passing day, the number of LinkedIn users keeps increasing. Similarly, the number of features offered by this platform also keeps increasing. Users can perform many more tasks on LinkedIn today compared to previous years. With the help of LinkedIn, users can grow their professional network and thus get a hold of new opportunities as and when they arise.

However, manually performing all the tasks can take up a lot of time. Getting the best LinkedIn bot will help you to automate your tasks and also help you save your precious resource known as ‘time’. You can use these tools to carry out a myriad of activities ranging from sending connection requests to reaching potential customers.

Browser-Based Tools V/S Cloud-Based Tools

Now, in the world of LinkedIn, a debate has been going on for a long time. This debate is on the topic: Browser-Based Automation Tools V/S Cloud-Based Automation Tools. The tools that have been developed to date for the purpose of LinkedIn automation can be categorized into two types: 1) Browser-Based and 2) Cloud-Based. This categorization is on the basis of how users employ these tools.

It’s not a hidden fact that most experts and reviewers believe that cloud-based LinkedIn automation tools are safer than browser-based automation tools. The main reasons behind this are the use of different IP addresses with every login and dependence on browser caching.

However, this belief is not entirely true. As per the information available recently, after experts understood the whole concept and working style of both the types of tools, cloud-based LinkedIn automation tools are not as safe as their developers claim to be or as the users believe them to be.

The most common argument presented in favor of cloud-based tools is that LinkedIn cannot detect them. Those who don’t know must know that LinkedIn does not permit the use of any third-party software on its website. So, all the automation tools available in the market violate the terms and conditions of LinkedIn.

But the users still use these tools as they save time and effort. Users can get benefits from these tools provided they don’t get caught. If LinkedIn detects that you are using any automation tool, your account can be suspended or permanently restricted. Lifting the ban from your account can prove to be an arduous task.

How are Cloud-Based Automation Tools Unsafe?

Recent experiments have shown that LinkedIn can detect cloud-based LinkedIn automation tools. Even though these tools provide their users with a dedicated IP address, the risk of getting caught is still present at a large scale.

In fact, the possibility of the detection of cloud-based tools is higher than the possibility of browser-based tools. The reason behind this is that cloud-based tools run from the cloud in which they are stored. So, when you use these tools, you don’t have to keep your computer on or login into your LinkedIn account. Cloud-based automation tools don’t run from your standard browser, unlike browser-based (i.e., chrome extension) automation tools.

In fact, they operate the browser in a ‘headless’ mode, and activities carried out in such a mode can be detected by LinkedIn with ease. When a program runs through the browser in a ‘headless’ mode, it does not have a graphical user interface. LinkedIn can come to know that you are using your LinkedIn account not from a standard browser but a headless browser.

Can You Escape the Risk Posed by Cloud-Based Tools?

In order to avoid the risk of getting caught by the LinkedIn team, you should use a reliable browser-based LinkedIn automation tool. When you use such a tool, you have to keep your computer on and login into your LinkedIn account.

As LinkedIn detects that you are using your account through a standard web browser, it does not take any action against you. Now, the only way you can get caught is if your tool performs actions that don’t make you seem like an ordinary human being. For example, if the tool you are using sends 200-300 connection requests to other LinkedIn users in an hour, you can easily get caught.

Therefore, you must show prudence in selecting the tool you want to use to fulfill your LinkedIn automation needs. You should search for a suitable browser-based LinkedIn automation tool that can mimic human behavior as closely as possible. Octopus CRM, Dux-Soup, and Lempod are a few tools that have made their mark in this category.

Final Words

If LinkedIn detects that you are using a tool, all your efforts of establishing connections and maintaining an active profile will go in vain. Therefore, you should choose the most reliable and safe tool for LinkedIn automation.