Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Benefits of Online Tutoring for Students’ Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in unprecedented global disruptions as businesses around the world shut down in an attempt to contain the virus.

But one industry that has particularly been hard hit by the pandemic is the education sector, with over 1.2 billion learners out of school and 143 country-wide school closures. The global lockdown of education institutions has caused major interruptions in learning activities, causing students to switch to online learning.

Online tutoring can provide numerous benefits for students, especially those enrolled in an online summer school high school program, offering flexibility and personalized learning opportunities.

As online tutoring becomes increasingly popular, many students, however, still wrestle with the question: Is online learning a viable alternative to in-class learning?

So we wanted to share the key benefits of online learning and shed some light on how online tutoring fares compared with traditional in-class learning. Without further ado, here are the benefits of online tutoring for students’ education.

1. Round the Clock Availability

Online tutors are, in most cases, available 24/7 to assist students.

This way, learners can schedule their study sessions based on their availability and preferences, as opposed to in-class learning where all lectures have to follow a specified timetable.

Moreover, with online learning, students can consult their tutors and get immediate help in studies, whether it’s in assignments or tests they’re working on. With in-class learning, students would have to wait until the next study session to seek clarification or help with their studies.

2. Learn From the Masters of the Discipline

Another advantage of online tutoring is that you get to learn from the very best in the industry. You’ll learn from tutors who’re masters of those fields.

Take online LSAT tutors, like LSATMax, for example. Every LSAT tutor hired by LSATMax is a top scorer of the LSAT exam (top 1% scorers). This ensures you’re learning from professionals who have proven (with tangible results) that their methods work.

In other words, your instructors are people who’ve walked down that path before and made it, so following their guidance will bring you results. But with in-class learning, you will, in most cases, learn from a single tutor who has varying levels of proficiency in different subjects.

3. Most Convenient Mode of Education

When it comes to convenience, nothing beats online learning.

Flexibility to choose your own leaning schedule, no need to drive to school, saving on transportation costs; What’s not to like?

With just a computer and internet connection, you can learn from anywhere, even at the comfort of your couch. In comparison, in-class learning requires you to move at everyone’s pace. You could lose a lot in the event you’re unable to attend classes for any reason whatsoever.  

4. Online Tutoring Is Cost-Effective

Taking classes at home is a reliable, yet cost-effective means of grabbing education. Online tutors charge less compared to in-class tuition fees. Plus you also get to save on transportation costs and boarding costs.

Wrapping Up: Can Everything Be Taught Online?

Online tutoring is no doubt a convenient and revolutionary way to impart education to students. But can it be used fully as a replacement for in-class learning?

Not exactly. One of the disadvantages of online tutoring is that some subjects cannot be taught online—or at least not to their full extent. For example, subjects that require testing, like Chemistry (picture titration) can be better understood with practical experiments.

Also, physical skills such as dancing, require face-to-face guidance while others like pottery may require a tutor’s presence to guide and evaluate a student’s performance.