Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Branching out - Why Is It Important in 2021

The market is a living thing, and although abstract, it affects our lives in a powerful way.

The market dictates prices, industry leaders, and job necessities. To be more precise, it dictates which job positions are in demand, and what skills are required for those positions. This of course later helped define a lot of processes in the Human resources departments as well as learning skills at a faculty or university level. 

Some people prefer a hands-on approach to learning, and it has become a very efficient method of learning, if given the opportunity to be in such a position in the first place. The dynamic and ever-changing job market changed in the last couple of years. It has evolved as technology and the importance of soft skills evolved. People are focusing on niches more, and a more particular set of skills is required from the future (and current) work force.

What Does This All Mean?

In short, it means technical skills are required to be more complete, and having soft skills is a must-have, especially for working in teams, when you need empathy, openness to giving and receiving feedback and a growth mindset. Recent years have shown that technical knowledge is a lot easier to learn than how to be a team player or how to motivate your colleagues. 

Not to take away from the people with great technical skills, that is usually the basic requirement for any job, but studies show that a healthy working culture and the ability to acclimate to it are as important because synergy is not something you can replicate.

Employees are now expected to have applied knowledge of a particular industry with the knowledge of the functioning market, alongside theory. Business development has become a technical skill that everyone must possess in their CVs. 

What About Those Starting New Careers

Well, they can definitely learn from those active on the job market. Some tricks of the trade, how to write a CV or a cover letter, or to go even deeper, what tools to learn, what skills to acquire, and so on. There are a lot of communities in almost every industry where good willing people share their experiences, knowledge and tips for getting your dream job.

Seeing how the job market evolved, we now see two very distinguished trends in hiring depending on the position. We have entry level positions where minimal technical skills are required but motivation and good personality and leadership traits that are highly acclaimed. This way organizations can shape young employees and teach them necessary skills as well as incorporate them in the culture. 

Luckily there are many ways now to obtain mentioned knowledge and skills, with so many platforms for knowledge sharing, courses, hands-on experience etc. offers a great way to achieve your goals and get more in your CV. 

In some higher positions technical skills are required more than teamwork, market knowledge and productivity. Why is that? When a company is interviewing a person for a higher position, that means they have a sense of urgency to have someone who can solve problems faster, more efficiently and teach younger and less experienced employees the skills needed to get promotions and move up the ladder in the company hierarchy. 

This also means that those looking for new job positions need to learn and fill their knowledge base at all times, staying competent and in demand on the market. This can mean branching out and working in different industries, with international companies and/or clients, or simply filling in knowledge gaps with information and skills that differ from their profession.

What’s your go-to place for obtaining new skills? And what is important for you when learning? Let us know in the comment section!