CharityJob donates £90,000 to small charities

For its 2023 charitable giving, CharityJob is making donations totalling £90,000 to seven small charities.

CharityJob, the UK’s largest charity job board, is donating to seven small charities as part of its commitment to give back to the sector. This year, they again invited members of their sister site, CharityConnect, to apply for a share of the donation. To be eligible for a portion of the £90,000, organisations had to be a registered charity with 50 or fewer employees.  

More than 1,200 applications were received and reviewed. Charities were then shortlisted and seven awards were made.    “We’re delighted to be able to support such inspiring organisations,” says Raya Wexler, co-founder of CharityJob and CharityConnect. “As ever, our thanks go to all the recruiters who use CharityJob to advertise their roles – it’s because of you that we can give back to the sector in this way. 

“Once again, the number of high-quality applications was staggering, and it was very tough to reach a final decision. We’d like to encourage those who were unsuccessful to apply again next year.”  

CharityJob was founded by Steve and Raya Wexler in February 2000 to help align inspiring non-profit organisations with the brightest talent. With more than two decades of experience working at charities themselves, serving the sector has always been at the core of CharityJob’s values.  

The charities receiving a donation are:    Acacia Family Support  

Acacia supports mums and dads in the Birmingham area who are experiencing pre- and postnatal depression and anxiety.   


Include provides creative community activities, training and consultancy to make the world more welcoming for people with understanding or speaking difficulties. 

LMK – Let Me Know   LMK is an education charity working with young people to prevent domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault. 


Mammakind collects and distributes donations of baby clothing, toiletries, toys, equipment and food to help struggling families with children aged five years and under in South-East London.  

The Refugee Buddy Project  

The Refugee Buddy Project matches local families with newly arriving people seeking refuge in Hastings, Rother and Wealden. It also provides advocacy and financial and emotional support.  

Richmond AID   Richmond AID supports people of all ages with all disabilities, including physical and sensory impairments, mental health issues and learning difficulties.  

Safe and Sound  

Safe and Sound tackles child exploitation by providing high quality tailored one-to-one support to victims and young people at risk in Derby and Derbyshire.