Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Clever but simple money-saving strategies

Are you eager to start saving money but don’t know where to start? Here are some clever but extremely simple money-saving techniques to keep you on the right track.

Budgeting and finances

Learning to budget effectively should be the first step in any money management and savings strategy. And even if you’re not someone who is naturally good at saving, if you can stick to a budget for just a few months, the savings will speak for themselves. Understanding your cash flow and monthly outgoings is important here, but so is taking note of those unnecessary expenses like coffee and paying for lunch instead of packing one for work. When you can see your overspending in black and white, it’s a sobering reality that can really get you focused on managing your finances better.

Find the right savings method

Whether you’re keen to save through a standard account or open a Stocks and Shares ISA or Cash ISA, finding the proper savings method is key. Take the time to consider your overall goals, how long you’re hoping to save for, and what you’re looking to gain from your savings.

Work on eliminating your debt

It’s not easy to see the rewards of your own savings with outstanding debts to continue paying off. And when it comes to most debts, the sooner it’s paid off, the less interest it can gain over time. No one is suggesting that getting out of debt is simple, however, paying off as much as you can within your means is good practice for when you’re free of it and ready to save for your future.

Trust in new innovations

With so much new and innovative technology that assists you with accounting and financial management matters, it’s always worth exploring your options. Some can help you budget better based on your income, while others can even potentially help you find better places to use for your utility bills.

Look through your subscriptions

We’re all guilty of subscribing to a service of some kind then forgetting about it and simply allowing that company to take a monthly fee from us. If you’re not regularly using one of your several subscriptions, it’s time to admit that it’s a waste of money and cut your losses. If you can tally up all of your monthly outgoings due to these services, you’ll be shocked at how much it costs. In fact, you may find yourself cutting your outgoings in half a matter of days.

Celebrate smaller savings successes

A long-term savings plan can feel daunting. But if you manage to give yourself credit for those monthly savings that keep adding up, it can inspire you to keep pushing forward. There’s no shame in celebrating your short-term savings, as this can help to keep focused on those long-term ones.

Final Thoughts

Without the basics to get you started, achieving your financial goals can be a struggle from the beginning. Without a few simple foundational steps in place, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. But if you can take these initial steps and stay focused, while also giving yourself credit for those monthly savings, you’ll soon begin to notice a difference in your cash flow, leading to even more considerable savings down the road for you.