Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Creating Culture: How HR and Recruitment Drive the Spirit of an Organization

An organization's culture is made up of its values, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. A strong, positive culture that aligns with the company's goals and vision is invaluable for success.

HR and recruitment play a huge role in shaping organizational culture by bringing in people who embody desired qualities and supporting employees to thrive. In other words, HR and recruitment are the ones who make sure the company isn’t full of a bunch of jerks.

Here's how HR and recruitment drive an organization's spirit.

Defining The Ideal Culture

HR professionals collaborate with leadership to identify the behaviors, mindsets, and principles that will move the company forward. Surveys and focus groups can uncover pain points and desired changes. With a clear cultural vision, HR can transform policies, training, and messaging to manifest it. Defining the ideal culture is the critical first step.

Hiring For Culture Fit

Bringing people into the organization that matches its cultural values is key. In the hiring process, HR incorporates assessments and interview questions to gauge candidates' fit with the company culture. Rather than rigid skills tests, they look for applicants' intrinsic motivations and mindsets. With recruiting tuned to cultural fit, new hires strengthen rather than dilute the intended spirit.

Onboarding For Success

Orientation introduces employees to the company's cultural values and expected behaviors. A thoughtful onboarding process shares the organization's purpose and priorities, explains available resources, and helps new hires feel connected and engaged. HR has an opportunity to inspire new team members to fully embrace the culture from day one.

Recognition and Feedback

HR programs that spotlight employee accomplishments and provide feedback on improving alignment with cultural values are powerful for reinforcing desired mindsets and actions. 360 reviews, peer recognition platforms, and creative employee recognition awards generate positivity and bring the culture to life.

Professional Development

A culture of continuous growth and learning will uplift employees. HR facilitates development programs, training stipends, and growth paths to nurture employees' skills and interests. When the company invests in people's growth, it signals cultural priorities like innovation and excellence.

Tracking Engagement

Surveying employees on satisfaction, burnout risks, alignment with company values, and other factors gives HR insight into how the culture is developing. Low scores indicate mismatches between intended and actual culture. HR can respond with appropriate interventions to realign based on these insights.

Encouraging Internal Communication

Fostering an open and transparent communication environment is crucial to developing a positive and inclusive culture. HR can introduce initiatives to facilitate dialogue between team members and leadership, encouraging a culture of openness. They also ensure that information regarding organizational changes, policy updates, or company milestones is efficiently communicated to everyone.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

As the guardians of an organization's culture, HR can advocate for policies that support work-life balance, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout. Flexibility in working hours, remote working options, and mental health resources are some ways HR can ensure employees have the right balance between their work and personal lives, which is key for fostering a positive organizational culture.

Implementing Diversity and Inclusion Practices

Diversity and inclusion are essential for a vibrant, modern, and healthy organizational culture. HR can help cultivate a culture that values individual differences and ensures equal opportunities for all employees. This can involve initiatives for hiring from diverse talent pools, offering inclusivity training, and creating forums for the voices of all employees to be heard.

Nurturing Leadership Growth

Leadership plays a critical role in setting the tone for an organization's culture. HR and recruitment can ensure that individuals with the right leadership qualities - those who can motivate, inspire, and guide their teams while exemplifying the company’s core values - are identified, nurtured, and placed in positions of influence. By providing leadership training and development opportunities, HR can further strengthen the culture by building a strong leadership pipeline.


With intention and care, HR and recruiting craft an organization's culture through who they bring in, how they onboard and develop people, what behaviors they recognize, and how they collect feedback. This fundamental role makes HR central to establishing a thriving, purpose-driven spirit across the company.

Creating a strong culture within an organization is like building a house; it requires thoughtful and strategic planning, high-quality materials, and skilled craftsmanship to make a structure that will stand the test of time. HR and recruiting build the foundation, create the walls, and put the roof on, while leadership training and development opportunities add the finishing touches.