Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Fintech Software Development: What You Need to Know?

The fintech industry is an area that requires the greatest accuracy and security of all operations.

And digitalization helps to achieve this. Financial solutions software helps companies improve employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.

A properly selected fintech development service that will develop a convenient and practical application for financial transactions will make life easier for all parties of interaction and make most processes centralized and automated.

Benefits of Building a Fintech App for Banks

Let's find out what benefits the bank receives from the creation of fintech software:

  • reducing the cost of doing business, in particular, the number of staff, and office rent;
  • reduction of a paper workflow;
  • reducing the likelihood of errors;
  • a significant increase in the speed of processing operations, automation of business processes, and a decrease in the processing time for customer requests;
  • increase in efficiency, since the financial accounting program does not require weekends and holidays, does not get sick, and works around the clock;
  • optimization of work processes based on the processing of a large amount of data, reducing the cost of organizing activities, and marketing;
  • continuous improvement in the quality of service as artificial intelligence learns;
  • introduction of new unique tools that increase customer loyalty and improve the quality of services provided;
  • creation of new technologies that help implement modern approaches in the work of financial organizations.

This is only part of the benefits for banks and financial institutions that open up with the introduction of Fintech technologies. Applications for finance allow you to enter the digital space and take a confident position in it.

Benefits of Fintech Applications for Users

And now let's find out what benefits users get from a fintech application:

  • ease of use of own money;
  • the ability to control financial income, and expenses, and keep records;
  • formation of a plan and income calculations, the ability to build a model of interaction with finance in advance;
  • no need to directly contact banks to work with them;
  • convenient interaction between financial institutions and clients;
  • access to information and functions around the clock;
  • automation of flow financial processes, for example, payment of utility bills, payments on loans, and others;
  • customizing the application according to your needs;
  • binding bank cards, comfortable and fast payments.

Financial applications help the business and the client to quickly communicate and complete tasks from both sides.

Types of Fintech Applications that You Will Interest Customers in

The development of mobile and web applications aimed at the B2C audience should be part of the plans of any bank or financial company in order to achieve a positive customer experience. And if it is no longer possible to keep customers with ordinary financial applications and something more modern is required, then make them technological by adding the appropriate functions:

Personal finance applications

  • Personal finance management with savings training;
  • Cost accounting with tips on ways to save money;
  • Analysis of financial habits with personalized advice;
  • Smart digital piggy bank with flexible settings, and support for deposit transfers.

Applications for investment

  • Tracking and notification of changes in prices for shares, currencies, and cryptocurrencies;
  • Robotic advisor for investment and portfolio diversification;
  • Automatic copy trading;
  • Asset management using artificial intelligence.

Lending supported applications

  • Speeding up the loan application process using a chatbot;
  • Automated credit rating based on AI;
  • P2P lending between client-users;
  • Automatic issuance of microloans by artificial intelligence.

Applications with the possibility of transfers and payments

  • Mobile or web wallet with support for electronic money and cryptocurrencies;
  • Transaction risk assessment based on machine learning;
  • Support for smart auto payments (regular, irregular);
  • Splitting a transfer into multiple recipients.

Applications for corporate clients

Financial applications are used not only by individuals but also by legal entities. Basically, they have similar needs. Although companies are more interested in improving employee productivity, automating work processes, and improving accounting. So technology features can be added to traditional B2B programs.

Quality Development of Fintech Applications

Selecting a decent fintech development service is an important decision on which the success of your project depends. When determining the exact cost and development time, it is better to first form a detailed term of reference. As part of the terms of reference, it is possible to estimate the number of hours required for all stages of work, and calculate the total cost. The whole process usually looks like this:

  • Development of reference.
  • Agreement of conditions.
  • Direct development.
  • Internal testing.
  • Delivery of the product.

It is not without reason that the drafting of the terms of reference is indicated by the very first because how well it is written, will depend on what you get in the end. It can be done both independently if there is an understanding and experience in compiling such documents or orders. If you do not have a technical specification or have difficulties with its creation, then you can be provided with services for the development of technical specifications.

Compliance with deadlines is equally important because the project usually consists of several stages. If the deadlines are shifted for one of them, then they are shifted for the rest. By turning to amateur freelancers, you will get stretching of the development process and constant transfers of the deadline. This will entail the loss of possible profits, the release of handicrafts, and the likelihood of not completing the work at all.

Therefore, such an important matter can only be entrusted to a professional development team that will promptly create a quality product. The specialists of which are able to develop applications that can withstand any load that meets security and coding standards. Tens of thousands of customers will be able to use your fintech application at the same time and will show loyalty to your brand without even looking in the direction of competitors.


In the financial and banking markets today, the main condition for existence and competition is the ability to quickly change, as well as the use of new technologies that are interesting to the target audience. This is facilitated by the insight of your managers and the positive experience of customers in using financial technologies.

You should find a fintech development service that will offer innovative solutions with speedy implementation. As well as a company that can create individual products for certain requests and requirements, taking into account the characteristics of a particular business.