Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Halcyon launches uc-connect - 06/2001

ASP product

By 2002 Human Resource Management practices and supporting systems will be acknowledged as distinguishing factors of highly successful organisations, yet less than 25% of businesses will achieve this advantage - Gartner Group 2000.

In today's economic environment, recruitment and retention of quality staff is vital to business success. Industries now recognise the importance of an effective HR/Personnel department as a key success factor.

The launch of Halcyon's UC-connect, an Internet-based recruitment vendor management solution, will help businesses achieve a distinct advantage. Specifically designed to tackle the complex processes behind the recruitment of skilled workforces for corporate HR departments and professional recruiters, the product - and the technology behind it - is set to have a radical global impact.
UC-connect, an abbreviation of Ubiquitous Connectivity, can be accessed from anywhere in the world, from any PC, over any public infrastructure, using any bandwidth, securely and at speed. As a cutting edge human capital management solution, it can intelligently manage the entire recruitment process - with bespoke interfaces for corporates and the recruitment agencies they are using - and each using a customised desktop to clearly define roles and responsibilities in real time. Deploying UC-connect via ASP enables organisations to implement the software into their business very quickly with minimum fuss. There is no need for expensive hardware and specialist staff to run the software in-house, thus enabling huge costs to be reduced.