Screening Resumes and Applicant Tracking
One of the ways that employers are using AI tools to screen resumes is by scanning applications in bulk, which can be a game-changer for companies that are hiring on a large scale. AI is able to aid the selection process by allowing companies to filter out candidates who might not be suitable, or who do not meet the key qualifications needed for the job. Tools like this tend to include numerous features, including keyword matching. AI tools can also screen resumes for potential keywords that relate to the role. This could be a qualification, certification, or skill. Some advanced tools even have natural language processing capabilities. This helps the software to understand the context of the information that’s being provided.
Application tracking systems are also being used more and more. ATS systems often come with integrated AI capabilities, which help to automate the ranking of candidates. This allows employers to prioritise the candidates that have applied for the role, and how well they fit the job offer. This can also be bundled with pre-screening questions. This allows employers to ask questions, with AI being used to assess whether the answer given fits the company's criteria. Although human input is still required when it comes to making the final decisions, resume screening can be a valuable and time-saving process for employers who need to filter through hundreds of potential applications.
The Rise of AI Chatbots
AI-powered chatbots are being used more and more to engage with candidates from the second they submit their applications. Some chatbots are able to conduct preliminary interviews and they are also able to ask questions set by the recruiter. This helps the chatbot to assess the candidate’s suitability for the role while ensuring that the response is scanned for keywords. Responses can then be categorised into pre-set criteria, ensuring that recruiters always have a good understanding of what they are working with. Some advanced bots are even able to assess soft skills through pre-determined interview questions. Using natural language processing, it’s possible to assess tone, conversational nuances and the use of language. This can give insight into how a candidate communicates, and the language they choose to use when working with specific situations.
Chatbots can also help to handle FAQs, freeing up recruiters while also providing candidates with a faster and more efficient experience. For large-scale companies, having an automated way to answer commonly asked questions is a huge deal.
AI and Hybrid Screening Processes
Although AI is being used to streamline processes, sometimes, a human touch is still needed. AI can be used to assist with part of the process, such as by filtering out potential candidates and screening for skills. With that being said, humans still need to have the overall say to ensure fairness. An example of how this can be put into practice would be through blind hiring. Blind hiring is becoming more common with AI tools. Some systems are designed to make applications anonymous, by removing the address, name, photo and personal information from the application. This allows employers to focus on the facts, while ensuring that diversity and fairness remain at the forefront of the hiring process.
Using AI to screen job applications isn’t just making it easier for recruiters to sift through applications. It’s helping companies to adopt fairer hiring practices as well, which is a major benefit to large, corporate companies. It's also great for ensuring that more applications can be processed for a job role, which stops employers from shutting the application window early, just because they have too many resumes to sift through. This, again, opens up the potential to find new hires, who would have otherwise had their application rejected.