Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How to find a Side-Hustle that Suits Your Lifestyle

Working from home is not everybody’s cup of tea. It takes a high level of motivation, determination, and self-discipline

However, for many of us, our full-time jobs are simply not bringing in enough money to keep the wolf well away from the door. Starting a side-hustle is not a choice but rather a necessity.

The good news is that not all side hustles require the same level of work and commitment as you might think, especially if you’re only looking to top up your full-time wage. We’ve put together a few ideas that will hopefully inspire you to get started and lead you on your way to being able to loosen your belt just enough to breathe a little easier.

Do What You Love

The best side hustle is one that earns you money by doing something that you enjoy. If you’re into gaming, for example, you’ll find that there are numerous ways to monetise your gameplay. The most obvious, of course, is pay casino games at the best payout casino Canada has to offer, which you can find on this website. But playing casino games is risky. We’d only recommend it for skilled poker players.

If gambling is not your thing, then how about live streaming your gaming action? You’d be surprised by the number of live streamers that are making a tidy sum of money using platforms like YouTube and Steam to stream their gaming antics. The trick is to provide entertaining commentary while you play because that’s how you get an audience to keep coming back for more on a daily basis.

Make Use of Online Platforms

Not a gamer? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. How about turning your love of fashion into a money-making gig? One way of doing this is to start selling clothes online, and you can do this in a few different ways. If your wardrobe is full of clothes that you no longer wear, you can sell them online via apps like Vinted or eBay. You can also scour second-hand shops for exciting vintage labels, which you can then sell on your chosen platform for a profit.

You can also design and sell clothing using the POD (print on demand) model. If you’ve got a good eye for design, you can use software, such as photoshop or Canva to create PNGs. You can then sign up to a POD platform, such as Printful, and upload your designs. The POD platform will provide you with mock-ups of how your designs will look on t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags, among many other items, which you can then use to advertise your products on Etsy or eBay. The beauty of this model is that you don’t have to pay for any merchandise upfront. You only place an order with your POD company once your customer has ordered and paid for the item via your online store front. Once you’ve set up and connected your storefront to your POD platform, the whole process becomes automated, so you don’t have to do anything other than create more designs.

Share Your Skills

Another awesome way of creating a passive income is by translating your skills into an online course. Going down this route will take a good deal of time and effort in the short term, but once you’ve created your course, all the hard work is done. You can upload it to a platform like Udemy and let them do the selling for you. Obviously, it’s a good idea to do your marketing via social media, and to keep a social media avenue open to communicate with your students. But it doesn’t have to take over your life. And who knows, if it’s a successful course, it could end up making you more than your day job.