Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

HR processes need to keep pace with modern working practices to ensure people are not forgotten

More than a quarter of HR professionals (26%) are still depending on outdated tools to conduct and maintain their operations, including spreadsheets and emails according to new research by Adviser Plus

More than a quarter of HR professionals (26%) are still depending on outdated tools to conduct and maintain their operations, including spreadsheets and emails according to new research by Adviser Plus[i] which highlights a HR industry technology and analytics gap.

At the same time a new global report by Executive Networks[ii] has found that 46% of employees say employers aren’t making the return to work appealing, and many employees don’t see the value in commuting to work at a time.

But half of workers still believe being in the office is beneficial for career advancement; and the report highlights a “proximity bias” against remote or hybrid workers, which can hinder their progress in the company.

Adrian Lewis, Commercial Director, Activ People HR warns that businesses need to adapt to modern day working practices post pandemic and ensure HR processes are effective no matter where people are based.

Adrian Lewis says, “The pandemic has changed how people work with more people working hybrid, remotely and flexibly. The return to the office some anticipated is not happening. However some firms are failing to adapt their HR processes and are still using outdated and siloed systems which can impact the business and mean some staff get forgotten.

“A lack of visibility over the workforce can lead to tasks such as appraisals or tracking sick leave and doing return to work interviews being overlooked. But without this oversight firms may not see the signs someone is suffering burnout or if someone is thinking about leaving as they lack motivation or are unhappy in their job.

“Also when it comes to career progression remote workers could get left behind as performance reviews get missed and employees may not be up to date with all the relevant certification or training they need for their role. This can lead to poor retention rates and staff not having the correct skills which can impact the business.

“HR software that can be accessed by everyone no matter where they are based is part of the solution, along with better communications to ensure everyone feels part of the team.  HR tech can help deliver a great employee experience wherever people are based – including ensuring appraisals get done online, tracking absence and ensuring people take regular holidays. It helps firms manage flexible working so everyone knows where everyone is day to day and enables people to work effectively as a team remotely or in person.”

Activ People HR’s software is used by HR teams in over 50 countries to digitise HR processes, including tracking absence, recording holiday leave and managing staff performance reviews and development no matter where people are working.

It can help companies manage flexible working arrangements too and ensure managers always know who’s working, when and where.

Mr Lewis adds: ““Embracing digitalise solutions is vital for managing the modern workplace and improving the employee experience so that people feel valued and engaged in the office community.”

For more information on Activ People HR visit: