Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

In-person and Virtual – The InHouse Recruitment Summit is Back!

It's time to secure your place for the 2021 InHouse Recruitment Summit! This will be the third in our series of autumn events and for 2021 we will be running a fully hybrid event across 3 days, giving recruiters everywhere the chance to attend and participate.

Day one is 12th October, and we will have a full day’s virtual programme which will be replayed the following day on the 13th October. And then, 18 months after our last in-person event, we will be back live and in person on the 14th of October at Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham! Across the three days we have a range of fully immersive content for attendees to experience and explore.

12th October will see us host our third virtual event overall, and the second in our October series of events, and we will be hosting a range of speakers from across the InHouse recruitment community who will present through a virtual platform and share their experiences, thoughts and advice on a range recruiting opportunities and challenges.

We will have a programme to cover all your current recruiting priorities. Our strong line up of speakers will share how they have overcome the challenges posed by the Covid19 pandemic and offer their insights and experiences on topics such as skills shortages, referral programmes, the best ways to attract and hire graduates and GenZ, how to embrace neurodiversity and will also look at what culture fit may mean in the new world of hybrid work.

For our virtual attendees there will be visitor polls, question and answer sessions and video clips from other virtual attendees, in which they share their thoughts on what they are hearing.

We will also have 5 separate breakout rooms where attendees can network and follow the sessions and discuss and debate what they have heard. There will be a live Twitter feed for virtual attendees and speakers to interact and connect on, and the virtual event platform will be open from 9am to 6pm.

And there will be competitions too! Our Gold sponsors SmartRecruiters will be giving away an iPad 4 to the virtual attendee who visits their e-booth, and engages with them, the most, whilst our platform sponsors iCIMS will be giving a £150 voucher to the best virtual networker over the 3 days (winner will be announced on 14th October).

On day 2, 13th October, you will be able to catch up on any sessions you may have missed, and continue networking with other attendees, and with the event partners and all the exhibitors.

And then, on 14th October, we are back live and in person with the InHouse Recruitment Summit! Coming eighteen months after our last in-person event, this will be a hybrid event - we will be hosting live speakers and attendees at Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham, and the eventual will also be virtual, enabling visitors from all over the World who are unable to join us, to get involved by watching sessions virtually, and then interacting with the show and live attendees through Twitter and social channels, and networking and engaging with each other through our virtual platform.

Our lead host for this hybrid event will be Rebecca Fielding, Managing Director of Gradconsult. There will be speaker and exhibitor interviews, which will be running all day at the live event, as well as the opportunity to get real insights into what is happening, and what his being talked about and debated, around the show.

Our closing session is one not to be missed! For the first time, our finale will be a live Question Time TV style panel debate, in which we will bring together five key personalities from the InHouse recruitment sector – Laura Pettit (Global Head of Talent at OB Talent), David Scott (Strategic Resourcing Innovation Manager Nationwide Building Society), Caroline Rispin (Employer Brand & Digital Marketing Manager, Sky Betting & Gaming), Clair Bush (Marketing Director, Ph Creative) and Mervyn Dinnen (Author and Global HR, Talent & WorkTech Trends Analyst) - to live debate the important topics of the day in front of both audiences - in-person and virtual. And Chatham House rules will apply!

On 12th October we will be announcing the questions that will be up for discussion by the panel, and you need to be there on the 14th to follow the debate! With so much happening in the InHouse recruitment space - not least the impact of the great resignation on InHouse recruitment teams, whether the last 18 months has changed the way we recruit for the long term, and what impact this might have on our talent pipelines - you can guarantee this will be an unmissable and lively debate!

Whether you attend in person or virtually, this year’s InHouse Recruitment Summit will be an unmissable event.  You need to make sure that you register now! We look forward to seeing you there.

To register for IHRE21VE Summit visit:

To register for IHRE21 Summit Birmingham visit: