The shortlist of candidates for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Property Management Awards 2005 was announced today (5th April).
This year, RICS introduces the Property Management Academy Award. This prestigious award recognises an important and lasting contribution to the art and science of property management by an individual, team or company.
Each award has a panel of judges. The entrants are to be interviewed by respective panels before the final decision is made. Shortlists for the Young Property Manager and Property Writer award will be released later this month.
The shortlist has been drawn up by the judging panel, chaired by Howard Morgan, of Kingsley, Lipsey, Morgan.
The winner of the Property Management Academy Award will be determined by RICS members voting from the shortlist on the RICS website
All category winners will be announced at the RICS Property Management Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 21 June at the Royal Opera House in London.
The short listed candidates are:
Asset Performance Strategy Award, sponsored by Knight Frank
- Modus Properties for Winsford Cross Shopping Centre
- DTZ for the DTZ Discretionary Managed Funds Asset Management Strategy
- Spacia for Spacia South London Investment Portfolio
Corporate Real Estate Strategy Award sponsored by Slough Estates
- Land Securities Trillium (LST) for Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) Estate Strategy
- IBM Business Consulting Services for Department for Work and Pensions: Expansion of the PRIME Contract.
Property Management Strategy and Delivery: Private Sector Award sponsored by Land Securities
- Atisreal for One Building. One Culture. One Churchill Place
- B-Serv Ltd for B-Serv Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey Programme
- Land Securities for Retail Occupier Satisfaction Strategy
- Slough Estates plc for Security Through Partnership - Breaking the Mould
Property Management Strategy and Delivery: Public Sector Award sponsored by CPAM
- East Sussex County Council for the rationalisation of headquarters offices in Lewes
- GVA Grimley for The FORUM, Wythenshawe
- Home Office for Home Office Central London Accommodation Strategy
Business Infrastructure and FM Strategy and Delivery Award sponsored by Larch Consulting
- Prudential Property Investment Managers Ltd and DTZ for Project Convergence - Facilities Management Partnering between PruPIM and DTZ
- RBS Group for Workplace Innovation
- Johnson Controls for One Churchill Place Building and FM Service Mobilisation
Award entries have been judged on a series of detailed questions covering:
- main project goals
- challenges overcome to meet these goals and the solutions provided
- measurements/benchmarks for success
- practical lessons, strategies and methods transferred from this project to other assignments
- innovative aspects of the nominated project.
Judgement day for commercial property

RICS announces shortlist for property management awards 2005