Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Local government's website - 11/2000

Replacement jobsearch

Councils have a new and improved Internet recruitment service thanks to a partnership with online recruitment specialist Jobsgopublic. The Improvement and Development Agency for local government (IDeA) has teamed up with Jobsgopublic to provide the new site called LGjobs ( It will replace Jobsearch - the previous site.

LGjobs will be managed jointly by local authorities and the IDeA. Jobsgopublic will host and maintain the site. They currently provide a recruitment portal to local authorities and a range of public sector recruiters including the Health service, Police and Fire services.

LGjobs will advertise thousands of vacancies a day in hundreds of local authorities across the land. Online job seekers will also be referred to the site from five other websites that are based within the service. In addition it will offer recruiters a range of facilities including:

Online applications; site registration and jobs by e-mail; display advertising; and local government news and links.

One of the IDeA's responsibilities is the promotion of local government. This includes the provision of careers information. The careers website, LGcareers is linked directly to LGjobs and should encourage a greater number of quality applicants to the site.

IDeA staff are confident that the new site will build upon the success of Jobsearch, which at its peak provided over 130 local authorities with a vacancy service on the web.