Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Lucian Tarnowski wins Global Enterprising Award

2009 winners of the Enterprising Young Brits awards announced at the Institute of Directors

Lucian Tarnowski ëMakes His Markí with the Global Enterprising Young Brit Award for

ï 2009 winners of the Enterprising Young Brits awards announced at the Institute of Directors
ï Lucian Tarnowski, Founder & CEO of, applauded for his early success in building a global graduate recruitment service and social network
ï Alistair Darling presented the awards and said Our country depends on ideas and having the commercial flair to develop them.î

The winners of the 2009 Make Your Mark Enterprising Young Brits Awards were announced yesterday (Tuesday 24 March 2009) at a ceremony at the Institute of Directors (IoD), London, and Lucian Tarnowski, Founder & CEO of, was announced as winner of the Global category.

Aged 25, Lucianís entrepreneurial spirit, drive and global perspective has enabled the creation of, an innovative web 2.0 graduate recruitment service and social network which is already operating on an international level and has attracted the support of some of the worldís leading entrepreneurs and enterprises. ìToday made me realise just how much inspiration is flowing into global enterprise from leaders of tomorrow;î commented Lucian Tarnowski. ìEnterprising Young Brits is a superb platform from which everyone at can take inspiration, and continue to challenge the recruitment status quo.î He was presented with a trophy and 1,000 prize money by Alistair Darling, who made time to chat to him and hear his story before announcing the winners.

Miles Templeman, Director General of the IoD and competition judge panel, said: ìIíve been really impressed with all todayís finalists but the winners stood out as exceptional young talents. These inspirational young people have shown creativity, determination and business nous. None have been blown off course by the recession, simply dealt with it alongside their other challenges.î

Run by the Make Your Mark campaign and supported by the Institute of Directors, The Daily Mail, HM Treasury and The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) the Enterprising Young Brits Awards reward budding young entrepreneurs (aged 30 and under) who have turned their ideas into a profit-making reality, shining a spotlight on the next generation of British business big shots.

Harry Rich, Chief Executive of the Make Your Mark campaign and Chair of the judges, said: ìOnce again these awards have highlighted some of the fantastically enterprising young people turning their ideas into reality right across the UK. Itís great to see people making money in these tough economic times and we hope that this signals a bright future for British business.î

Secretary of State for Business, Lord Mandelson had this to say about the competition: ìEnterprise and innovation are key to the UKís future economic growth and success in todayís unsettled global market. Make Your Markís Enterprising Young Brits Awards are an important opportunity to honour inspirational young people who have demonstrated flair, determination and good business sense in making their ideas happen. I would like to congratulate all the nominees and wish them all the luck in their careersî.

Now in its fifth year, Enterprising Young Brits has discovered some of Britainís brightest talent and helped springboard their businesses to the next level including Jamie Murray-Wells, whose company won the Business category in 2005, and Ali Clabburn, the founder of, who won the Social & Environment category in the same year. This yearís winners will be hoping their recognition will lead to similar success in business.