Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Main Differences Between VPS & VPN

VPS and VPN are two terms that frequently get confused. Their initials are similar, which is why they're sometimes conflated. However, they refer to two very distinct types of services.

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a type of web hosting, whereas a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is both a service and technology for encrypting your IP address and connecting to the internet securely.

Despite the fact that they are two distinct services, they are frequently grouped together owing to their names. When you're just getting started on the internet, it's easy to mix up these two words.

What is a VPS?

It's vital to understand what a virtual private server (VPS) is and how it differs from other platforms, as we previously stated. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, which is a type of web hosting provided by hosting firms that gives you a virtual server environment in which to host your website.

To explain further...

A server is a computer that is used to store website files and data. When you enter a domain name into your browser, it communicates with the server and displays all of the site's files.

There are many various sorts of web hosting, including:

  • Dedicated hosting
  • Shared hosting
  • Managed hosting
  • WordPress VPS hosting
  • Cloud computing, and so on.

Virtualization is the process of breaking down a single physical server into multiple virtual servers. This gives you more access to server resources and the ability to expand your virtual server as needed.

It's also important to note that because it's a virtual server, you're not restricted to the restrictions of a single physical server. You won't be sharing server resources with any other users, either, since this is a private server environment.

What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network, or VPN, is a type of online security that encrypts data and transmits it via an encrypted tunnel to a remote server. A VPN essentially creates a private and secure network that then spans across your whole network connection. It provides you with the ability to remain anonymous on the internet while also protecting any information that you give out. You can read more here.

Your VPN client will automatically encrypt any data that is transmitted across a network connection once you have launched your VPN software of choice. First, any information goes through the VPN. The traffic will then be encrypted and sent on.

Because your ISP connects to the Internet through a VPN server, it will detect your home (or coffee shop) network as the source of data rather than the VPN server.

When you connect to the internet without a VPN, all of the data you send is available to anybody with the proper tools. For most uses, this will be sufficient, but if you're sharing sensitive information like your financial information or emails, etc., then another layer of security would be preferable.

When you use a VPN, all of your data travels directly from your ISP to the VPN server, then through the VPN to the internet. This helps to minimise or entirely remove several of the most prevalent online security concerns.

When you use a VPN, connecting your computer back to the data you're sending is nearly impossible. Furthermore, all of your data will be encrypted, so if it's intercepted no one will be able to read it.