Published byFlat Fee Recruiter

Nearly half of job applicants don’t know what they’ve applied for

Are you being forgotten? Have you ever contacted a promising candidate only to find that they have no idea what you’re talking about?

You’re not alone! Research by Flat Fee Recruiter has found that nearly half of job applicants can’t remember every job they’ve applied for.

As part of Flat Fee Recruiter’s annual Candidate Experience Report, jobseekers were asked if they remembered every job they’ve applied for, and 49% answered ‘no.’

The Flat Fee Recruiter Candidate Experience Report is based on the responses of over 2,500 applicants, and provides detailed insight into the job-seeking process. 

Increased Application Rates

The candidate market continues to be buoyant, with Flat Fee Recruiter reporting an average application rate of 140 candidates per vacancy, up from 61 in 2022. However, the increase in available talent has coincided with fewer available roles, with the result that jobseekers are often taking chances on a greater number of positions that are not an exact match to their skill set.   

In fact, the report found that most candidates had applied for more than 20 jobs in the previous three months. In 2022, this figure was between 1 and 5.  Considering this, it's no surprise that some applications slip from their memory.

Lack of Engagement

The report’s findings highlight an ongoing problem with lack of candidate engagement during the application process, leading to frustrating and inefficient hiring campaigns characterised by ghosted interviews, rejected job offers and candidates pulling out or being poached at the least minute.

The report also highlights some avoidable yet common barriers to a successful hire, including over-lengthy processes and a lack of communication during the decision-making stages.  

Despite these challenges, Flat Fee Recruiter has been able to identify easily actionable steps employers can take to improve the candidate experience and get the best results from their hiring campaigns.

Read the Report

Finding the Right Talent Fast: The 2024 Candidate Experience Report is available now. As well as insightful statistics based on over 2,500 candidate responses, the report also provides answers to common questions that will improve your recruitment strategy.

Questions including: What motivates candidates to apply? Where do they look for jobs online? What are they willing – and not willing – to do as part of the application process?

You will also find detailed advice for achieving the best results across the key elements of the hiring process: marketing your rolesoptimising the application process and engaging with applicants

You can read the report for free by visiting the Flat Fee Recruiter website.