Futurestep, the a pan-European online recruitment solution for senior and middle Managers have recently noted fundamental shifts in the new media recruitment arena. There are twice the opportunities to fill than candidates to fill them.
Senior new media candidates know exactly what they want these days. They are coming from huge pay cuts, excessive hours and options in lieu of a more substantive package. They've been burnt. Now they want to be cash rich again. They want their original salary, the car, the annual leave.... and if the options are there, great, but it isn't top of the list anymore. They are getting what they want. They usually have unique experience of the web combined with a corporate background and they are the best bet as venture capitalists become more wary. Nick Bailey, Head of New Media, Futurestep
People heading into the market have top end experience of dot com start ups. They have often come from a 'broken home' dot com where the company has failed or stumbled giving them invaluable market understanding and commercial management experience. The majority of senior new media executives are now in their 30's and looking to work with major PLC's who, having missed the first round of dot com mania, are now pouring money into more risk-aversive corporate ventures. Major PLCs who were reluctant to get into the web at its inception now make up a huge growth group as they feel the market has matured enough for them to enter it, which has led to many of them creating spin off operations on the web.
New media - new trends - 10/2000

The changing face of senior recruitment in new media