Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

NSHP announces its upcoming 2007 Career Fair Series

Locations for these 2007 events have been carefully selected based on employer demand, past attendee feedback and job seeker demographics

After the success of its latest Career Fair in Houston, the National Society for Hispanic Professionals (NSHP) is proud to announce its upcoming 2007 Career Fair Series, sponsored by top diversity job board

Locations for these 2007 events have been carefully selected based on employer demand, past attendee feedback and job seeker demographics.

2007 NSHP Career Fair Schedule:

ï February 8, 2007 ñ Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX
ï March 22, 2007 ñ Navy Pier (Lakeview Terrace), Chicago, IL
ï May 17, 2007 ñ Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, NY
ï September 27, 2007 ñ Venue TBD, Washington, DC
ï October 18, 2007 ñ Venue TBD, San Diego, CA

Admission is free for all job seekers.

Job seekers attending these events will have the opportunity to interact with fellow Latino professionals, network with prominent Hispanic organizations and meet with hiring companies specifically interested in their diverse backgrounds and/or language skills.

Exhibiting employers will not only gain access to NSHPís nationwide membership of over 11,900 Latino and Latina professionals, but the most prominent Hispanic organizations in the country will also be encouraging their members to attend.

Over 100 premier companies with a commitment to diversity were represented at NSHPís 2006 Career Fair events, including JP Morgan Chase, Verizon, Liberty Mutual, Tenet, Pfizer, the US Department of State, Toyota and Target.

ìOur 2006 job fair events connected hundreds of educated Hispanics with the most respected companies in the nation,î says NSHPís Sandra Roffo. ìBy building on our successes and learning from past experience, we know these 2007 events will be an even better opportunity for Latinos to advance their professional careers.î