Rexonline plc, the specialists in on-line recruitment has launched in conjunction with a Unsys, BT Syncordia, Computer, Communicate and Voice. is the definitive website for telecoms careers especially within the field of CTI (computer telephony integration) and has been created to fuel the ever increasing demand for call centre technology currently growing at 34% per year.
As call centre technology has become more variable for many businesses, the demand
for this technology has increased dramatically. Due to this the demand for people with CTI related skills (namely VOICE, IP, CRM, LEGASSY SYSTEMS, IVR, GENESYS and TELEPHONY) has increased to the point where the small pool of available CIT people has become a severe inhibitor to the growth of the whole industry. has quickly become recognised as a site for aspiring CTI and telecoms professionals to search for their next employer and has already caused a great deal of interest within the whole telecoms industry. This site will prove to be very successful within its field.
Rexonline announce launch of - 03/2000
New site for CTI specilasts