Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Rising youth inactivity signals urgent need for government action, warns NCUB

The latest data shows that the total number of young people not in education or work rose to 872,000 in April to June 2024, up from 798,000 during the same period in 2023. This represents 12.2% of all young people.

New figures released today by the ONS reveal a concerning increase in the number of young people aged between 16 to 24 years who are not in education, employment, or training. The latest data shows that the total number of young people not in education or work rose to 872,000 in April to June 2024, up from 798,000 during the same period in 2023. This represents 12.2% of all young people.

Rosalind Gill, Head of Policy and Engagement at the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) said: “New figures released today reveal a worryingly high economic inactivity rate. The number of people aged between 16-24 years rose significantly by 12.2% over the last year. This highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive government strategy to support young people in their transition from education to employment."

Gill concluded: “As technology advances, the labour market is rapidly evolving, and this will make skill gaps increasingly severe. If we don't address this now, these gaps and rising unemployment could reach critical levels, jeopardising our nation’s economic growth and resilience. Without immediate action, and a cohesive plan from the Government, we risk further exacerbating youth unemployment and economic inactivity.”