Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

The InHouse Recruitment Expo 2023 is back at Olympia!

We’re getting ready for our 9th in-person InHouseRecruitment Expo, and we are back at Olympia!

On 23rd May we will be bringing you our tried and trusted mix of insightful sessions, knowledgeable exhibitors and sponsors, and unlimited opportunities to network and share experiences and insights with the In House Recruitment community. And in 2023 for the first time, we are introducing our TA/RecTech Theatre to give you insights into the latest technologies. You can get help and insights on adoption, establishing ROI and getting budget sign off, and have the chance to learn from fellow practitioners’ experiences of the buying cycle and integration.

We are proud to welcome Diverse Jobs Matter as our gold sponsors. They are the UK’s fastest growing multi-sector job board and talent platform, committed to supporting underrepresented groups to create more diversity and inclusion in the recruitment process. Our Diversity & Inclusion partner for IHRE23 is the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) and our event supporters are Apsco Outsourcing (the trade association for the RPO & MSP sectors), Personnel Today Jobs, Recruiter Magazine and OnRec.

2023 is certainly shaping up to be a pivotal year in the In House Recruitment and Talent sector. Regular reports of layoffs, initially with the technology sector but now across the wider recruitment community, have led to feelings of insecurity and anxiety across the industry, whilst ongoing technology advances also provide opportunities to shape the talent function for years to come. The inexorable rise of generative AI and conversational AI applications (some of which we will be discussing during the day) will have the ability to potentially re-shape the candidate/recruiter relationship in the future. And during a time of economic uncertainty our candidates and colleagues are looking to their employers for more support and flexibility.

All these topics - and more - will be discussed and analysed during the day in our Seminar and Masterclass Theatres by one of our strongest line-ups of speakers, practitioners, and analysts. We will have two panel discussions in Seminar Theatre 2. The first, on overcoming the behavioural barriers to successfully adopting new technology and the best way to address recruiter concerns when exploring investment in new technology, will feature Freya Stuehmeir, Dave Scott and Erin Page.

The second panel will be a fireside chat style interview when analyst, author and podcaster Mervyn Dinnen will talk with John Hull, Emi Beredungo and Dave Scott as they try to help you make sense of the rise in generative AI applications and look at its potential to help boost InHouse Recruitment teams.

There will be a strong focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging throughout the day with several key sessions. Simon Payne, Director of People at Index Exchange, will talk about how to implement effective D & I strategies that can help to foster a positive and welcoming work environment, whilst Tamsin Millns, Director at STEP, will explore how to remove social bias from Graduate and Internship recruitment.

Jane Hatton from Evenbreak will look at ways in which your recruitment process may create barriers for diverse candidates and offer advice on how to remove those barriers, whilst Jon Hull, from Balfour Beatty plc, will be talking about how to engage with important, but hard to reach, talent pools such as refugees.

Roy Imeson, an employment advisor at RNIB, shares ways in which inclusive employment practices can give access to blind and partially sighted talent.

Candidate onboarding, and particularly the need for simple and secure pre-employment screening, will be the subject of an insightful Masterclass session from Amechi Muotune, senior manager at exhibitors Amiqus, and senior HR practitioner James Lang from Tiro will be focusing on the role that apprenticeships can play in both addressing skills gaps and improving employee upskilling. We will also hear from Nasser Oudjidane, CEO of Intrro, who will draw on insights from recruitment leaders to share tips on how to build effective employee referral programmes.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you back to Olympia and believe we have put together one of our strongest programmes of key learnings and insights, together with a broad and varied range of exhibitors, to help you attract, engage, and hire the talent your organisations need. With so much to learn, sessions are already filling up, so make sure you start registering now and booking your place in the sessions that will help you achieve your recruitment goals in 2023!

We look forward to seeing you in May!