Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

The most demanded languages in the business world

Today's world is a globalized world, where the distances between the different countries have no relevance since technology has allowed global communication within everyone's reach. Overcoming language barriers can be made easy with the aid of a translation agency.

Businesses, as well as studies, are increasingly international. People travel constantly and can exchange messages with anyone anywhere in the world.

Bearing this in mind, the importance of knowing how to handle more than one language is evident, especially in the workplace. In fact, the ideal is to be fluent in several languages, since more and more companies are asking their applicants to speak three languages ​​fluently.

Therefore, it is advisable to study a second or third language in order to advance professionally. It usually happens that most professionals speak English as a second language; however, more and more people want to incorporate Spanish, for example.

Being among the most spoken languages in the world, Spanish is one of the most sought after languages when it comes to language learning. The demand for Spanish speakers in the business world keeps increasing; therefore, Spanish speakers, whether first-language or second-language speakers, have an immeasurable advantage when it comes to getting jobs in international businesses. It has never been easier to get that advantage by learning Spanish by using a language learning app

It is known that the number of international students who decide to travel to study Spanish at a Spanish school in Buenos Aires has increased significantly; in fact, Argentina is one of the Spanish-speaking countries that receive the greatest flow of linguistic tourism.

It is essential to clarify this list of the most critical languages ​​globally in the current market. Still, depending on your work, the appropriate language to study may be another. In any case, several languages are booming in the business world. Let's see which are the main languages ​​most in demand worldwide.

English: The language of business

English is the first language we will mention because it remains one of the most valued languages ​​in the business world.

Most companies require knowledge of English as a requirement, especially those managed internationally. Therefore, it is vital for those professionals who carry out their tasks in this field to have advanced English knowledge and speak it fluently.

English is considered the language of the business world par excellence. This is because most professionals speak this language, which allows them to communicate with people from all over the world, in any country. It happens that most school curricula in almost all countries incorporate the teaching of English. That is why many people worldwide know how to speak it, which allows fluid communication between countries that speak different languages.

Another important aspect is that it is a relatively easy language to learn. No matter how little they learn during their childhood, almost everyone knows the basics of English. Therefore, this language has been incorporated as a basic knowledge for most young people entering the labor market.

Spanish: The language that is increasingly spoken worldwide

Spanish is a language that has been going strong in commerce. This is because Spanish-speaking countries have grown a lot at a commercial and economic level, with international relations between Hispanic companies and the rest of the world increasing.

Maybe you didn't know it, but Spanish is the official language of 21 countries, and because there are millions of native speakers, it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with Chinese being the first.

In addition, it is one of the official languages ​​of the UN, the World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the EU. Therefore, Spanish is a language that every person dedicated to politics, diplomacy, tourism, and many other similar professions should know how to speak.

Spanish is spoken throughout Latin America (except in Brazil) and in most European countries, it is expressed as a second or third language. That is why there is an increasing need to handle this language at the level required by international trade relations.

Nowadays, it is a great resource to travel to learn a language. As we have mentioned before, more and more people travel to Spanish-speaking countries to learn the language; Argentina is one of the most requested by foreigners who choose to study in a Spanish language school in Buenos Aires.

Mandarin Chinese: An unstoppable phenomenon

Mandarin Chinese has been gaining ground at an incredible speed for some years now. This is due to the huge growth of the Chinese economy and how the country has been expanding throughout the world at a commercial and tourist level.

China is one of the leading trading partners of most countries globally. Its export levels are unstoppable today, becoming a world power, with one of the largest economies. Not to mention the importance of this country on the front lines of diplomacy.

In addition, due to its vast population, it is a major importer of products from the rest of the world. There are almost a billion native speakers, so it is the most widely spoken language in the world. But beyond that, due to its influence in the business world, it has become a very clear language.

Currently, specific sectors such as technology, tourism, and sales request job positions with knowledge of this language.

Although it is not an easy language to learn, due to its complex pronunciation and different alphabet, its grammatical structure is relatively simple since it does not conjugate verbs or distinguish between gender and number. That is why speaking Mandarin Chinese gives a lot of value to your resume due to the challenge and effort involved in learning this language.

German: An emerging language

German has also gained a lot of ground in the business world; this is because Germany's economy is one of the strongest in all of Europe and is constantly growing.

Many international companies have one of their headquarters in a German-speaking country. And this is understandable since approximately 18% of the countries in Europe have this language as their native language.

But that's not all; Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Germany manage their commercial relations in this language, which is essential because these are territories with very strong business cores, both in the technology and engineering sectors in the industry.