The Test Agency Ltd, leaders in the psychometric testing arena have announced a formal distribution and marketing partnership with pan, the leading US-based on-line assessment or e-testing provider.
As part of the relationship, The Test Agency will link all its online customers at to the pan site at, where many of the Test Agency's leading products are already available in e-testing format.
The partnership is expected to propel The Test Agency into the huge US market whilst giving pan the opportunity to exploit the growing U.K. market for e-testing.
There are currently six Test Agency assessment products available, aimed at the business and consulting testing markets the Management Development Questionnaire, the Work Profile Questionnaire, the Work Profile Questionnaire emotional intelligence version, the PASAT 2000 sales selection test, and two versions of the Manchester Personality Questionnaire.
The test agency - 10/2000

The first e-testing provider in the UK