A year-long online survey of website habits suggests recruitment companies still do not know who their customers are. Executives of the online customer intelligence service, WebProbe, claim that although recruiters have precise information about website hit rates, they are struggling to build an accurate profile of their website visitors. It is one of the first online studies to accurately survey web users and the results offer a clear insight into who is using the internet and more importantly, it profiles their habits and preferences.
80% of WebProbe respondents were men. More than three in five were under 35 years old and enjoy above average incomes. Almost 40% earn between 20,000 and 34,499 per annum. A further third earns more than 35,000.
The WebProbe Profile suggests that more than one in three employees conduct personal business on the Internet during work time.
Nearly half the respondents read the broadsheets with The Times scoring highest at 17%. London and the South East is home to seven out of ten Internet users.
Unknown web customers - 10/2000

Survey suggests firms are still in the dark