Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Virtual Interviews and How to Improve the Candidate Experience

Whilst flexible asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) can help to streamline the hiring process, new research shows that there is scope to improve digital interviews.

According to a study from HEC Lausanne at the University of Lausanne in partnership with Saint Mary's University and the University of Calgary, applicants above the age of 31 reacted especially negatively to AVIs which had more questions, while those below the age of 30 preferred longer maximum response lengths. Women reacted more positively to increased preparation time.

Reactions to Asynchronous Video Interviews: The Role of Design Decisions and Applicant Age and Gender is based on the AVI experiences of 27,809 job applicants. Data was collected in 11 countries (69.3% English-speaking) from 33 companies and related to 72 types of positions.

Says Professor Francisca Krings, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne:

“The research highlights the value of integrating applicant characteristics and reactions into the design of AVIs. For example, allowing more preparation time as well as the opportunity to re-record responses generated more favourable reactions, while including additional questions was related to more negative reactions. These findings could also help both AVI vendors and hiring organisations to design AVIs that facilitate a positive applicant experience.”