Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Why Pursuing a Wrongful Termination Case Can Make You Feel Better

Why Seeking Compensation for Wrongful Termination Can Bring You Relief

After being fired, life can become overwhelming. You’ve just lost your source of income and you’ll need to start your job hunt from scratch. If you’re lucky enough to have a padded savings account, you can pay your bills for a while. However, if you were living paycheck-to-paycheck, you’ll quickly feel the effects.

If you’re feeling the emotional or financial stress of having been wrongfully terminated, consider filing a lawsuit against your employer. A lawsuit will allow you to seek financial compensation through the courts according to the law.

According to the Wrongful Termination Law Group, there are several types of compensation possible:

  • Lost past earnings
  • Lost future earnings
  • Future lost benefits
  • Emotional distress
  • Legal fees
  • Punitive damages

The type and amount of damages you’ll be awarded will depend on the details of your case. For example, if you were working a job without benefits, you wouldn’t qualify for lost future benefits. However, you will likely qualify for lost future earnings.

Getting financial compensation feels validating

Another reason to pursue a lawsuit is that you’ll feel validated. There’s nothing worse than feeling bad about getting fired, even when it was illegal. You might be feeling self-doubt and could even be blaming yourself.

Getting your situation validated – whether by jury trial or settling out of court – will be satisfying and will make you feel better. You’ll stop blaming yourself and wondering if you did something wrong.

Financial compensation will bring emotional relief

Even if you’re not usually focused on money, when you don’t have an income, you’ll appreciate every dollar you have. You’ll feel better pursuing a lawsuit against your employer because in the end, any compensation you get will help your financial situation. 

To get a rough idea of what you can expect, here’s a general outline regarding how compensation is calculated.

Are you tired of stressing about your lack of income? When you see the possibility of financial compensation, you’ll feel better emotionally, knowing your bills will be covered.

What is wrongful termination?

According to employment law, wrongful termination involves being fired for an illegal reason. For example, being fired in a way that violates federal anti-discrimination laws or your employment contract. Wrongful termination also includes the following scenarios:

  • Being fired for your gender, race, familial status, or any other protected class or status.
  • Being misled about your chance of getting a promotion.
  • Being fired for reasons contrary to what is stated on your discharge paperwork.
  • Taking time off for jury duty or to vote.
  • Exposing company wrongdoing, like being a whistleblower when your employer refuses to pay commissions.
  • Serving in the military.
  • Filing a workers’ compensation claim.
  • Becoming pregnant and needing reasonable accommodations.

These are just some examples of wrongful discharge. If you were fired for any discriminatory or retaliatory reasons, you might have a wrongful termination case.

Get a free consultation with an attorney

If you don’t already have an attorney, start looking. Get a free consultation with a local wrongful termination lawyer in your area to see if you have a good case. Many lawyers won’t charge for a consultation, and some won’t even charge you legal fees unless you win your case.

Not having to pay legal fees unless you win your case is ideal when you have a strong case against your employer, but you’re in a bad financial situation. If your case settles out of court, your lawyer will take their legal fees off the top of your settlement check(s).

Seeking justice will make you feel better

You don’t deserve to be treated poorly. This includes being fired for reasons that violate employment law. By seeking justice through the legal system, you’re telling your employer – and yourself – that you’re worthy of respect. Since your employer failed to extend that respect to you in the workplace, filing a lawsuit is all you can do to make things right.

Although filing a lawsuit against your employer won’t change the past, it has the potential to make things right to some degree. Getting financially compensated for your troubles is the least your employer can do after firing you illegally.

Don’t wait – the statute of limitations might run out

Depending on your state, you’ll only have a certain period of time to file a wrongful termination lawsuit. Are you still on the fence? Contact an attorney anyway. Don’t let the statute of limitations run out on your case. 

At least by contacting an attorney, you can confirm whether you have a case and if you do, you can choose to pursue a lawsuit.