Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Work well-being: 5 trends to take care of your employees

When we talk about workplace welfare, we surely think of those companies that have been awarded for their human resources policies and in which we all want to work.

This makes us reflect on how we should act to get our organization to this situation. We believe that we must work in two ways, so that we achieve two different but complementary objectives: happiness for the worker and productivity for the company.

The advantages of working in a climate of well-being at work

We think that the advantages and benefits of workplace well-being are obvious, but it is necessary to verbalize them, put them in context, and make timely comparisons between organizations so that companies are convinced and begin to implement the appropriate measures to achieve it. We are referring to working in a motivating environment that conveys confidence and provokes commitment. This will lead to a reduction in conflicts and accidents and an increase in the productivity and resilience of the workforce.

How do we get to wellness? 5 trends to follow

Each organization is different and its work processes involve different problems, so it is advisable to carry out a study of the needs of employees. A work environment survey is very useful in this regard.

Based on the results of the internal investigation that will determine the perception of the workforce and the human resources data on its own operations, measures can be taken on these 5 trends to follow. They set out the main milestones that workers consider necessary to enjoy a high degree of well-being at work.

Physical Health

It seems evident that with healthy bodies everything gets along better. By improving physical working conditions, the team will be fresher and more rested to face any challenge. We can achieve this by using adequate equipment and respecting the physical conditions marked by the occupational risk prevention audit, but also by forcing adequate breaks, fostering camaraderie and planning informal meetings or carrying out activities between colleagues that provide good relationships within the framework staff that influence the improvement of their ability to collaborate.


Flexible companies have been shown to be more resilient. In complicated situations, giving organizational facilities to the staff is a point in favor to face them. Today the advantages of teleworking and flexible hours give us a different way of planning to achieve our goals. It is easier to reconcile work life with personal life since technology is on our side: Less travel and more videoconferences; range of available hours by not depending on office hours; possibility for the worker to work from various locations, etc…

Less stress

We think that the best way to improve stress levels is knowing how to manage emotional intelligence. In daily development "recognizing our feelings, those of others and properly managing relationships" (IE definition by D. Goleman), will help us control stress and that the decisions made do not imply a path towards difficult situations emotionally speaking, which can cause lockouts and sick leave. There is a new trend to relieve work pressure among office workers, especially those in the Nordic countries, namely to spille automater which means to "play slots" in Norwegian.

Internal Communication

A good internal communication system provides confidence. Keeping up to date with corporate news gives peace of mind and improves the feeling of belonging to the organization. If, in addition, work decisions are communicated in a timely and appropriate manner, the worker feels that he is counted on and that his participation is vital.

Right to Disconnect

Disconnecting in time is an emotional protection shield. A fresh mind is more productive, which is why it requires both rest and disconnection times. Forcing yourself to think about other things, having a varied and balanced leisure time is highly recommended and the organization should encourage this time of disconnection. The best way to promote these times of mental rest is by not encouraging work at extreme hours, for example, not receiving emails outside working hours and respecting the time necessary for conciliation, not forcing unnecessary trips or endless meetings at inappropriate times.

Taking advantage of the tailwind generated by these trends is not achieved without further ado. Internal training intervenes, both to communicate that they are pursued as an HR objective, but also to provide employees and teams with the necessary foundations to achieve them. Training in stress management, motivation, creativity or time management and personal productivity, to give a few examples, will provide cohesion to the work team and will provide techniques and solutions to overcome the obstacles that prevent reaching that desired point of Labor Well-being.