With its innovative technology and interactive search facilities Youthworkjobs breaks from the traditional and lengthy youth work recruitment processes, enabling both clients and candidatesí flexibility and an expedient method of communication.
A key factor in the development of the site has been the partnership of youth work, recruitment and IT professionals and their application of their knowledge and skills in providing the youth sector with a serious alternative to established recruitment practices.
It also comes in the wake of a serious skills shortage in the field as both client and candidate struggle to find the right match. The ability to read online CVís can save both client and candidate time and pre-empt the standard application process.
An added feature of the site includes the facility to download application packs and importantly clients will be able to continue their independence and manage their own recruitment campaigns, from placing their own adverts, candidate short-listing and interview selection. The web site also carries primary links to youth agencies, organisations and training providers, candidates can also receive on-line support in their application quest and guidance on training and careers.
Youthworkjobs Launches
