Stephen Frost, KPMG’s head of diversity and inclusion, comments on the release of Business Disability Forum’s latest guide which focuses on handling difficult conversations. He highlights the importance of arming line managers with the appropriate tools to feel confident about having honest and open conversations with colleagues with disabilities.
Stephen said: “Managers are not super-human and often expected to know what to say and do, without any reference points, guidelines or advice. The truth is that sometimes the wrong thing is said, not out of malice, but because managers lack the know-how to have difficult conversations with colleagues. This guide goes some way towards providing the practical steps managers may want to adopt.
“At KPMG, our focus is on building diverse teams as it is only with a wide range of people that organisations can truly reflect society and succeed in the ever changing world of work. We have made progress in attracting and nurturing disabled talent by providing development programmes and establishing a disability network. It’s a great start, but more work is needed to create an inclusive workplace; that’s why we are committed to improving our own disability inclusion.”