Published byREC

REC response to TUC research on job boards

Responding to the TUC’s claim that major job boards are advertising salaried jobs at below minimum wage, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Deputy Chief Executive Kate Shoesmith, said:

“A few assumptions have been made in this review that need to be investigated further – like are the jobs full time?

“Regardless, National Minimum Wage rates should always be paid, and the vast majority of businesses do just that - there were 1.7million live job vacancy postings last month. In fact, many employers regularly have to pay more than the going rate to attract people to roles because of labour and skills shortages.

“Where there is genuine bad practice, this needs to be stamped out. We have always shared a view with the TUC that the new Fair Work Agency is a chance for the government to ensure we have a well-regulated labour market. As it is being created, policymakers must maintain the subject expertise of the current enforcement bodies it is merging. For example, the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS) in our part of the labour market is crucial, especially if regulation is expanded to include all labour suppliers and payroll providers, such as umbrella companies.”