Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet

Advice from Kloodle on how to protect your online reputation for job hunting

We’ve long been aware of the huge impact the internet has had on recruitment and new research from Kloodle certainly supports this.  According to the social networking site:

  • 44% of students say using the internet is best way to find a new job
  • 49% would welcome an interactive social media platform for job hunting
  • 32% claim they are making best use of the internet for finding a role

In turn, employers are also seen to embrace the digital world to fill positions. More than 3 in ten (31%) of students believe that big employers are fully embracing social media when searching for candidates.  According to recent research from the global HR group, Adecco, 7/10 employers and recruiters use social media for professional purposes.

Says, Meera Shah, Senior Emerging Talent Resourcing Partner at Balfour Beatty: ‘Gone are the days of a potential employer or recruiter finding out about a candidate only when they meet face to face. At Balfour Betty we regularly check out candidates’ online profiles ahead of setting up an interview date.  The process would involve screening all social media platforms, including Twitter and Linkedin, as well as using general search engines such as Google.

The best advice we could give candidates is to ensure their entire online reputation - not just their CV - shows them at their best. By searching online, not only can employers get a real feel for a candidate’s professional experience, but their personality can also emerge from profiles and content posted.’

Phil Hayes, CEO and Founder of Kloodle, says: ‘1/3 employers has rejected a candidate due to what they have found out online* – this stresses the importance of protecting your online reputation. And that includes all platforms even Facebook and Instagram as it’s so easy for an employer to scan your entire profile. However, students shouldn’t let this put them off – rather, they should embrace the internet and social media to show employers that they are right for the job.

On Kloodle, students can create an all singing all dancing CV, with dynamic video content, enabling them to really showcase their personality, skills and attributes.  Students should keep in mind, however, that a stellar online reputation does require regular maintenance so that questionable content does not reappear and content is as up to date, relevant and engaging as possible.’

Below are tips from Kloodle to help candidates protect their online profile:

  • Get Connected: Ensure you DO have an online profile in the first place! The more connected you are, the more likely you are to get a job. Plus, having an online profile presents the opportunity to be checked out and promote your own content
  • Don’t be shy: PR yourself and shout about any awards and key achievements
  • Be consistent: Make sure your CV online reflects your hard copy CV and that you are projecting ‘one voice’ across your entire online profile
  • Be smart: obey the rules and don’t violate policies
  • Apply the ‘Grandma rule’ – Think twice before you post – if you wouldn’t want your Grandma seeing it, then don’t include on your social media platforms
  • It’s always you – you shouldn’t have two personas – e.g. online and off line.  Your online profile should reflect the true you
  • Remove barriers: just as people can be hard to approach in real life, the same applies online – make sure your profile shows that you are open, easy to talk to and approach

*According to research by the Adecco Group (Global HR group) that questioned over 1,500 recuiters and over 7,000 job seekers