Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Employer branding site set to be fruitful for Penna

Leading people solutions group Penna has launched an employer branding and employee engagement website providing HR professionals with an integrated service to help them attract, retain and engage the best talent

Leading people solutions group Penna has launched an employer branding and employee engagement website providing HR professionals with an integrated service to help them attract, retain and engage the best talent.

The ëPenna Pearí site ñ named after Pennaís fruity logo at - includes details of its most successful employer branding and engagement projects to date including a culture change programme at The Pensions Service, a new employer brand for Debenhams, and a brand-led graduate recruitment drive with Wincanton.

Anne Riley is Managing Director of Penna Recruitment Communications, ìPennapear clearly demonstrates our ongoing investment in this area of Pennaís business. In the current climate employers are placing more and more emphasis on reputation and employee engagement so it is vital that we can give them the range and depth of solutions they need.

ìOur experienced team draws together experts across a number of core areas covering everything from research, engagement and recruitment communications, to internal communications, diversity, video, and web design/ strategy, plus in-house creative and design. Our clients benefit from a joined-up, full service agency approach which fulfils their business and HR needs.î

For further information on Pennaís Employer Branding and Employee Engagement offer and to find out who to contact at Penna please visit: