Onrec will be hosting an afternoon Onrec Trade Conference which will give online recruitment suppliers, job boards and other online recruitment professionals a fantastic learning and networking opportunity.
One of our sessions is titled Online Recruitment Market Overview - In-depth analysis of 500 job boards
The talk will be the learnings from a 12 months piece of Benchmarking research leveraging performance data from 500 job board brands, more than 200 million jobs and almost 2 billion job alerts over the timeframe of a year. This research allows job board owners and operators to understand their own performance against the market, areas of strength and areas of weakness that would benefit from some focus. A copy of the Benchmarking Report will be available to attendees.
Other speakers include:
Session: The AI explosion and its impact on the jobs market
Osborne Clarke
Session: Online Recruitment Legal Update: Discussing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
AIRS, Powered by ADP
Session: Laura Stoker, Executive Director of Global Training, AIRS, Powered by ADP
Saferjobs & Metropolitan Police
Session: Ensuring a SAFER Job Search: How Government & Law Enforcement are helping Job Boards for free!