While it may not come as the biggest surprise to some, the vacant position is another one in a sector which is seeing a surge in demand by jobseekers on www.allthetopbananas.com
The job search engine has seen a huge increase from users looking for managerial positions.
Comparing November ’18 with October ’18, a 69% increase in searches of has occurred, out-performing all other job sectors.
Over the last 12 months, with a general decrease in the availability of management jobs, it seems it could be a more challenging time for Jose and everyone else who are seeking management roles.
Head of Marketing at www.allthetopbananas.com David Ogden, said: “It’s not just Manchester United FC looking for a manager at the moment. We’ve seen a massive increase in demand by our users searching management roles. However, we’ve got thousands of management jobs on the site, to help people find the job they want”.