This is even more true when it comes to large multinational businesses, we had a chance to speak to the HR team at LeoVegas Casino’s HQ.
We asked them about the issues HR departments often face like GDPR & recruitment and spoke about where they see the future of HR going.
How many Employees are managed by the LeoVegas HQ HR team?
As of recently we have been working more globally, therefore the entire HR team would be supporting the entire workforce – therefore around 900 people
As the HR Department, how do you uphold your companies culture?
There’s so much that we do! First of all, we make sure that culture is used during our entire recruitment process, so employees are hearing about this and evaluating whether the culture is a good fit for them before starting. Further to that, all managers and people holding any sort of leadership position have been provided with leadership training in our culture which is then regularly passed down as training & refresher training to all members of staff. Further to that, we of course, make sure that we set a great example
As a large company, do you find any issues when trying to recruit new staff? If so please explain.
Recruitment is always a challenge, no matter how big or small the company is. This is because it is always essential that the person chosen for a role has the right skills for the role as well as being an excellent culture and team fit.
As you work in one of the most competitive industries, do you work to keep employee retention high?
Yes, but again, this would apply to any company in any industry – loyalty is always very highly valued.
In the Social Media age, what are the issues impacting HR that weren’t as prevalent before.
So far Social Media only seems to have had a positive impact on the was we do things. It helps a great deal with advertising when new hires are needed and is a great way to show what working at LeoVegas is like.
How does LeoVegas maintain a diverse workforce?
That’s an easy one. During our recruitment process we make sure to never be biased due to things such as gender, race, religion or any biases that have nothing to do with how well a person can do their job. In doing this, we’ve ended up with an incredibly diverse workforce, from very different backgrounds – which means that we get lots of different outlooks, better problem solving & creativity
After GDPR came into effect last year, have you had any issues adapting to it?
It’s never easy, however we started working on this well before the due date last March and made sure that any new agreements that had to be set up were sorted out, any new systems that would keep data more secure were installed etc. Therefore I would say we were very successful in that area.
Do you see any big changes coming to the HR industry in the next few years?
Yes, trends seem to show that HR is becoming much more data driven and more automated, meaning that HR professionals have more time to focus on people and on efficiency, and that’s the direction LeoVegas intends to move in too.