Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

The Top Professions Where Eye Protection is Required

Different types of safety equipment and protection are needed in numerous roles, some of which are more widely-known about than others. In the case of eye protection, the following are a few of the jobs where workers need to cover up.


These workers need to cover up more than most, as sparks, excessive heat, and ultraviolet light are among the biggest dangers that they face. Rather than just covering their eyes, they need to use a welding helmet that protects their whole face and neck from exposure.

This type of helmet has been around since the 1930s and remains a vital piece of safety equipment. One of the main problems for this profession is arc eye or welder’s flash, which is similar to sunburn on the cornea. Welders may eventually suffer serious issues such as loss of vision if they don’t cover their eyes at work.   

Laboratory Staff

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) calculated that around 2,000 eye injuries that require medical treatment are suffered at work in the US every day. Among those most at risk are clinical laboratory employees, who can suffer problems from chemicals or contaminated substances splashing on them. They may also inadvertently touch their eyes with a contaminated finger as they work.

Goggles or safety glasses are most commonly used by laboratory staff, although they may use full-face shields when dealing with particularly infectious materials. They also need to have rapid access to safety showers and eyewash, in case they are needed.

Airline Pilots

Pilots are among the workers who need to take the most care of their vision to carry out their roles safely. They undergo regular eye tests, to find out whether they need new prescription glasses or have any serious vision problems. The main reason why most pilots wear sunglasses is that they are exposed to more UV radiation than most people.  

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there is a 5% increase in the exposure to UV rays for every 1,000 feet of altitude, so pilots need high-quality glasses. Popular brands of sunglasses such as Ray-Ban and Muse, protect their eyes while also giving them clear vision at all times. These can also be easily tried online by uploading a photo of the wearer to the site. A uniform accessory-turned iconic wardrobe staple the Ray-Ban silhouette has become more accessible to the everyday wearer.

Manufacturing Workers

Not all workers in manufacturing wear safety glasses or goggles, but it is highly recommended that they do this. After all, it is calculated that 26% of eye injuries at work occur in this industry, while around 60% of people who suffer an injury to their eyes weren’t wearing any form of protection at the time.  

This is an especially important subject in those cases where the worker may be subjected to sparks, bright lights, corrosive materials, or other hazards. Among the problems that can occur when no eyewear is used are foreign objects entering the eyes, splashes, scrapes, or infra-red radiation.  

No matter what industry you work in, it is worth taking a few moments to consider whether you need to take more care of your eyes from now on.